@test-subject, if they had made it a 5/3 or even a 4/3 I'd think it a little better. As of now, no, I don't want to pay 5 mana for it.
Posted By:
(12/10/2010 11:47:42 AM)
One words sums this up-BLORGH.
Posted By:
(2/9/2010 8:12:50 PM)
It is actually a really good card. I got one and stuck it into my R/B Metalcraft deck as filler (yes, it doesn't really fit) but it works really well! Sure, it could be bigger, but it is definitely worth at least a 3.5, not a 2.8
Posted By:
(6/1/2011 5:52:32 PM)
Goblin Roughrider
I love cards with connected flavor.
Even if the creatures don't match it doesn't mean it isn't the same Goblin. haha
Posted By:
(8/2/2012 4:47:28 AM)