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Except it's not targeting any of your creatures. It's targeting you, the player. Doesn't matter if your creatures have Shroud. They still have to attack if able. The only way to prevent that +2 from affecting you is to have some means of making you untargetable. Leyline of Sanctity is a good example.
Posted By: MyrBattlecube (2/16/2011 9:18:50 PM)


ok probably already answered but can you use his 3rd ability on your opponents turn? someone told me you could.
Posted By: ReaperOfDoom (2/19/2011 8:47:53 AM)


I totally wanna use Captivating vampire on him next time he tries to be his 6/6 self
Posted By: Ninjakraken (3/6/2011 6:37:16 PM)


When this card was newly printed, I'd been reading a lot of comments about this is going to be the weakest of the planeswalkers cards. How things have changed.

w/o this card UW control, Caw Go, Caw Blade, and UWR Blade (four decks that are currently dominating Standard and Extended on many tournaments) would be weak. This is the MVP card of many UW control decks. this card is so effective that Jace, the Mind Sculptor has been relegated to Brainstorm.

I've tried this with my Boros, my Naya, my UGW, my GW, my BW (Vampires and Angels), my Elven deck (yes this work wonders for mono green), and my mono white decks, it works wonders. For me, it's the best plainswalker card so far!
Posted By: HPS (3/12/2011 10:45:01 PM)


Same cost as Elspeth, with two more counters, the ability to force someone to tap (unless it has vigilance), and then survive it? And that's only two of his abilites? His last ability alone would make him a great "Captain" for a white deck, but altogether, he is downright amazing.

He's also way cooler than Ajani, so I'm glad he's taking his place in the 2012 lineup.
Posted By: FiveColorFinder (3/19/2011 7:53:48 PM)


I love this card. His plus ability has won me many a game. His minus ability is not a draw back because his major ability costs zero. And there's not much funner than killing your opponent by having your planeswalker become a creature and attack him.
Posted By: blightdragon (3/21/2011 8:59:38 PM)


Very fun with a Lighthouse Chronologist..

Your Turn: Activate Gideons +2.
Your Second Turn: Activate Gideons 0.
Opponent: FUUUUUUUU----

Rinse and Repeat until opponent is begging for mercy... Which you will not show him, because Gideon says so..
Posted By: Noalwyn (4/5/2011 8:11:12 AM)


Works great for control with Venser, the Sojourner, buffing tapped creatures and refilling his counters.

Actually.. Works great with pretty much anything. One of the strongest planeswalkers ever printed.
Posted By: Delixu (4/22/2011 11:37:29 AM)


So I've seen in a lot of art (Near Death Experience, Time or Heroes) Gideon being all manly with Emrakul looming overhead/lying next to him. Did he actually beat Emrakul? Because if so, I would be very sad that the Flying Spaghetti Monster lost to him
Posted By: Superllama12 (6/22/2011 8:32:52 PM)


I want to combo this guy with Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs.
Posted By: lorendorky (6/27/2011 1:31:59 AM)


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