. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _,,,--~~~~~~~~--,_
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,-' : : : :::: :::: :: : : : : :º '-, ITS A TRAP!
. . . . . . . . . . . . .,-' :: : : :::: :::: :::: :::: : : :o : '-,
. . . . . . . . . . . ,-' :: ::: :: : : :: :::: :::: :: : : : : :O '-,
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. . . . . . . . /,-',' :: : : : : : : : : :: :: :: : '-, ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;|
. . . . . . . /,',-' :: :: :: :: :: :: :: : ::_,-~~,_'-, ;; ;; ;; ;; |
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. . . ,-' / : : : : : : ,-''' : : :,--'' :|| /,-'-'--'''__,''' ;; ;,-'/
. . . :/,, : : : _,-' --,,_ : : : ||/ /,-'-'x### :: ;;/
. . . . / /---'''' : # : : : : : | | : (O##º : :/ /-''
. . . . /,'____ : : '-# : , : : : : '-,___,-',-`-,,
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. . . . .) : : : : : : ,, : ''''~~~~' :: :: :: :'''''¯ :: ,-' ... (see all)
Posted By:
(9/26/2011 7:47:48 AM)
Put this on Isochron Scepter and just search traps ALL THE TIME.
The deck is called "There's a trap for that."
Posted By:
(1/28/2011 11:24:45 PM)
The fact that Trapmaker's Snare is an Instant and puts the tutored Trap into your hand makes this quite good. Don't forget that you can cast the tutored Trap before letting anything resolve on the stack.
Posted By:
(10/7/2009 2:03:04 PM)
I like how Trapmaker's Snare makes you reveal the trap. It's like: "I just took Summoning Trap. Now, are you sure you have 2 counters before messing with this eldrazi?". You know, that even-the-threat-of-power-has-power thing.
Posted By:
(8/9/2011 5:07:24 PM)
Mmkay, I'm a little confused. Why the complaints about the "show" clause? Traps are all instants and have a super cheap cost in the right conditions, and this card is pretty cheap. Why would anyone EVER plan to use this card and cast the trap later? It boggles the mind. Casting the trap later is like using Dispatch to tap your opponent's Goblin Arsonist on his turn two.
Showing the card is essential to show you didn't tutor up a non-trap card. It shouldn't be a problem because you CAST THE TRAP IMMEDIATELY.
Did you just cast a bunch of instants in one turn? Screw the rules! I have green hair! - wait, that's not against the rules. Sorry, I should probably cut down on the drugs.
Posted By:
(3/2/2012 8:20:05 AM)
Being that it's a Trapmaker's *Snare*, I would expect this card to be a trap...
Also, for all you nay-sayers, I'm pretty sure the intention was for you to cast your trap immediately after tutoring, so it's like the snare caught them into the next trap. Sure they see it, but they're already caught in the snare, helpless to avoid it.
Posted By:
(2/22/2013 12:26:37 PM)
lol at all the spoils the surprise comments. You search for a trap and immediately play it
Posted By:
(6/4/2013 6:28:08 PM)
How about all those 0 cost Traps? You could find one and cast it immediately. Seems like a nice sideboard idea.
Posted By:
(9/26/2009 1:15:50 PM)
Ok, i'm going to take Mirror Force.
Oops, wrong game.
Posted By:
(7/5/2011 3:56:49 PM)
What's that, Admiral?
Posted By:
(10/25/2010 11:07:09 PM)