Kills planeswalkers, weakens Allies, pops out Marit Lage on turn 2, and can bring a lot of Susepended spells to play way before they should. First strike and a vampire on top of that. What more can you possibly want for BB?
Posted By:
(11/2/2010 11:23:50 PM)
5/5 for a planeswalker killer, AND the ability to unlock dark depths turn three. 100% Dangerous
Posted By:
(11/4/2010 7:29:11 AM)
2 mana for a 2/1 first strike vampire is pretty good anyway, but the ability is so useful in so many situations. Level-ups, planeswalkers, pseudo-level-ups such as Sphinx of Magosi, Protean Hydra, and many others all screwed over spectacularly!
Posted By:
(11/9/2010 11:41:03 AM)
Pros: Art is. . . um. . . artful.
First strike places her on par with Black Knight.
She's a vamp. Nocturnus is a great combo with all vamps.
She murders walkers. Nuff said.
Posted By:
(12/19/2010 10:15:25 PM)
This is badass. Not only combos with many things but can actually get rid of planeswalkers (loyalty COUNTERS :S)
Above that, it's a 2/1 first striker vampire shaman for BB. Not bad under any point of view.
Posted By:
(8/10/2011 8:38:19 PM)
I love this card. GREAT utility effect, and when that's not useful, a 2/1 first strike for , and a vampire? I'll take at least three. And when that utility effect does need to go boom, ho boy, does it go BOOM. Why, that's a nice Planeswalker you have there. Shame to see it die immediately. And shut downs a lot of combos that rely on counters.
Posted By:
(8/12/2011 4:22:11 PM)
I'm not sure they could make a more johnny card if they tried.
Posted By:
(11/8/2011 11:45:37 PM)
Any medicinally trained person can tell she has Smallpox.
Posted By:
(1/24/2012 8:03:31 PM)
So many uses, easily a 5.
Posted By:
(1/28/2012 1:09:37 AM)
Played in a deck vs. a deck with many planeswalkers, easily she was a win condition for me. 5/5 for her great utility.
Honestly, before tonight I didn't think much of her, but now she has gone way up on my list of good cards.
Posted By:
(7/28/2012 10:19:38 PM)