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Community Rating: 3.551 / 5  (59 votes)
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Bant exalted is one of my strongest decks, that thing usually wins WAY before 8 mana is on the board. I don't have any of these in any of my decks but that creature type may mean I can fit it in my elf deck. Especially with Joraga Treespeakers I have a LOT of mana floating around in that deck.
Posted By: TheKeiser (8/18/2010 10:02:36 PM)


I'm actually curious to see if this would be a good card in the Jenara, Asura of War EDH deck I'm building. In EDH you can easily get to 8 mana, and this could be a great way to pump Jenara up to get lethal general damage.
Posted By: RegalFantom (11/28/2010 10:01:36 AM)


well with the landfall cards and retrival cards like harrow or explorers scope mana gets out on the feild quick i could see in a good landfall deck at about the six turn 8 mana at the least
Posted By: Tmanthemagicguy (3/5/2011 2:48:37 AM)


It's a 4/3 Elf, which is very nice on its own rights, that gets a huge ability if games drag on late. In a deck known for tokens and boosting of all tokens, all you need is one more token to get in at least 6 damage which by this time may be all you need.
Posted By: mattblack04 (9/13/2011 7:14:50 PM)


Not bad for EDH...when you get to 8 mana it basically ensures that you have the biggest, scariest creature on the board.
Posted By: ShowMeYourMoves (12/14/2011 1:24:37 PM)


the pump ability is crazy town, but if you have nothing to do, It can save your creature. be thankful it can target other creatures, too.

If you have a training grounds out, it takes some of the bite out of the mana cost, and makes it a lot better.
Posted By: Pigfish99 (4/1/2013 10:23:29 PM)


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