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Terrible, still dies to Final Judgment. /sarcasm
Posted By: Gameguy602 (8/17/2012 5:47:14 AM)


The original art is a bit... confusing. There's no obvious indicator of size, and it's difficult to tell what exactly your looking at. For that reason, I'm glad I have the alt art for my Elf Ramp deck. That way my opponents understand what's coming at them on turn 3-4 much better.

On functionality though, this card is good fun. It's durable, evasive, and feels very mythic. Though between this and Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, I'm not sure which has proven more useful to me. Emrakul wipes my opponent's field, and if I have Concordant Crossroads lying out, he gets to swing twice. But with Kozilek, the uncounterable draw power has one me more games than I can count. So their both awesome in their own right. And both win the game fairly easily. Though in the end, I might have more fun with Emrakul, simply because that extra turn never gets old.

In conclusion, this card is epic, and even more so when it can come out alarmingly early. An obvi... (see all)
Posted By: BongRipper420 (8/22/2012 7:27:22 PM)


Turn 1: Forest, Noble Hierarch
Turn 2:Forest, 3xNoble Hierarch
Turn 3: Nothing
Opponents Turn: They play a creature, Counter with Counterlash and play Emrakul.
Turn 4: Win

And For the luckies among us with black lotus
Turn 1: Black Lotus, 3xNoble Hierarch
Turn 2:Nothing
Counter Opponent
Turn 3: Win.

I would love to do this to someone!
Posted By: C1455 (8/25/2012 10:42:02 AM)


Clone says hi. Gotta love the legendary rule.
Posted By: DarkEmbrace585 (8/27/2012 6:33:02 AM)


Oh look, a giant flying vagína (RE:bluewaffle). Gahahahaaa, Emrakul is a very accurate portrayal of the true fear of all Magic players!
Posted By: Goatllama (8/29/2012 6:31:49 PM)


dies to lux cannon
Posted By: spartan7023 (9/3/2012 1:12:51 PM)


Hey there big guy :) Worldspine Worm's coming.. Say what now? Yeah, yeah I know, believe me, I KNOW.. We told him the same thing.. YOU'RE the Bad@ss. We all GOT the memo. I'm sure deep down inside that stone cold killers heart theres a trembling little lavre somewhere, I'm just the messenger. And he "SAYS".. He just REEEEEALLY hopes you'll block him but you're probably too chicken poop to do it! Yeah, the whole forest nearly died from a roar of uncontrollable laughter. It was priceless Em! You should've been there! He must have one heck of a deathwish, HUH MAN! We know.. We know.. One last thing, when you were just a little Em, not quite an Aeons Torn, more like a hardcore Aeons FOLD if I may, did Momma Torn happen to have you de-wormed at the local Eldrazi Vet's office by chance? No? Eh, i'm sure it's nothing.. Forget I even mentioned it buddy. Any whoo.. Good talk! I'm off to get my popcorn ready. Get some rest, not that you'll need I'm sure, but tom's gonna be ... (see all)
Posted By: Mike-C (9/18/2012 8:08:29 AM)


Solid piece, solid piece.
Posted By: EKraj (9/19/2012 3:27:32 PM)


He seems scary, until you realise he can be killed by a strike force of eight Grizzly Bears. Or should that be four Grizzlies and their cubs?
Posted By: Villainous1 (9/29/2012 1:26:42 PM)


What people don't seem to realize is that he has "Protection from all colour spells", meaning you basically can't target him with ANYTHING that would exile, sacrifice, destroy, the works. Unless you of course used an artifact.
Posted By: Greenman284 (10/2/2012 1:02:17 PM)


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