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This guy is good because he eats up your free mana, especially for mono red. Not because he's an "omg he's an 8/8 flying trampler on turn 5!" He doesn't suck because of the "omg he needs 10 mana". He helps fix up your mana curve.

For example, suppose it's turn 3. You unfortunately don't have ball lightning or hell's thunder in hand. But you can play this guy, then spend your last mana to level him up (assuming you don't need the mana open for bolt). Turn 4 comes around, you topdeck ball lightning. Throw him down and spend your last mana to level this guy up. Turn 5, you need to burn a few things, so you do that, and then spend your leftover mana on this guy. Oh hey, now he's level 4, you have a 4/4 flier. Swing with him now.

Did you lose anything in this play? Not really, just extra mana that would've gone unspent anyway. Unless, say, on turn 3 you actually needed that last mana open to bolt something on your opponent's turn, but you should be aware of stuff like that and not blame t... (see all)
Posted By: mdakw576 (5/12/2010 4:00:58 AM)


Very good indeed. Early game board presence, late game evil mania destruction. This guy is simply an efficient, well-costed threat that has to be answered, because if he isn't, he gets out of hand in a very, very...mythic way. Surely a big red deck somewhere can use him.
Posted By: cloneffect (6/25/2010 1:21:55 AM)


The thing is, this card works in RDW as two things.

1. Removal Magnet- if anything screams Path/Doom Blade/Condemn me, it's this. One removal card on this is one less on your Ball Lightning next turn.

2. Mana investment- RDW goes into top deck mode pretty soon. This acts not as a primary win con, but a mana dump when you have nothing else to play/unearth. Thus, ideally and eventually, it becomes a big threat when you have no more cards.
Posted By: Gomorrah (7/18/2010 7:10:26 PM)


In Kargan Dragonlord we trust!

- Max lvl Red
Posted By: Zenzei (9/29/2010 8:14:27 PM)


he should also have "As long as kargan dragonlord has four of more level counters on it, it is a dragon in addition to its other types.".
Posted By: Kamidii (2/13/2011 4:28:42 PM)


Koth's mana dump.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (3/18/2011 12:53:52 AM)


its like he rides a bigger dragon each time he levels up....
Posted By: Ninjazilla (5/19/2011 2:22:47 PM)


Level 4-7: Get a dragon
Level 8: Dump the old dragon, get a new one that actually breathes fire.
Posted By: TherealphatMatt (10/24/2011 10:02:45 PM)


I always read his name as Kargan Druglord...
maybe because he's so dope. (yeah, that was bad)
Posted By: pedrodyl (9/25/2011 11:18:14 AM)


I like Student of Warfare better than him, but I can`t deny how good this card is. Simply amazing!
Posted By: Marreco (4/16/2010 8:31:32 AM)


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