*sigh* everyones missing the point.... When you play RDW what are the FIRST cards a player reaches for in their sideboard? Who is the GREATEST enemies to RDW? Who can simply stop RDW in its tracks and just about end them if they get 2 hits?
Answer: Kor Firewalker/ Wall of Omens...
Rebuttal: Ill fly Kargan over you
Posted By:
(6/28/2010 1:21:46 AM)
This card...it's just mean! 5/5
Posted By:
(8/5/2010 10:07:50 PM)
If you can level this guy up he seriously is unstoppable! Seriously this guy is a beast!! Well not completely unstoppable, but with Terminate and PtE leaving standard soon, I think he's gonna get even better.
Posted By:
(8/8/2010 11:57:58 PM)
If left unchecked, he wins games in a matter of turns, RDW loves him, in draft format, he is insane, Very hard to be killed after he is level 4 (vendetta or Narcolepsy).
any hoo, an 8/8 on turn 5 is nothing to be laughed at, sure it is RRRRRRRRRR for him, but atleast it is not all in one turn.
although, as they say he does die to doom blade, but so does BSA and everyone knows how shit she is.
Posted By:
(10/25/2010 4:50:18 AM)
If only he was a Knight...
Posted By:
(12/22/2010 4:15:38 AM)
This guy is amazing for Dragon decks because it can take out Baneslayer and will be ready o fight Baneslayer before that shit even hits the field. They better have some removal before this guy becomes too much for them. If he became a Dragon type, that ability would than be ruined. It would be better if he was a Knight, so he would combo with Knight Exemplar.
Posted By:
(12/23/2010 7:46:35 PM)
Red Tarmogoyf.
Posted By:
(1/10/2011 5:55:42 AM)
i totally agree with robert_G its 8/8 flying turn 5 with awesome abilities, definetly worthy of mythic and defnitly 5/5
Posted By:
(1/17/2011 12:43:53 AM)
This guy and koth are best friends: i'm surprised at the relative lack of RDW decks in standard as of SoM. The only thing I don't like is that he doesn't ever become a dragon type creature, so he can't benefit from things like karrthus, crucible of fire, and Sarkhan the Mad in a Dragon Tribal deck.
Posted By:
(1/17/2011 3:15:48 PM)
That art is simply amazing. I can hear the dragonlord yelling, "he11 yeah! Told you I could do it" (look at the art again).
Also, on your 2nd turn, when you tap two mountains to play this guy, the artwork really shows off how powerful this card can be. Your opponents will do one of the "let me see that real quick" manuevers, haha.
Posted By:
(1/24/2011 1:56:12 PM)