This card is extremely broken.
Posted By:
(7/17/2010 8:14:08 PM)
With just one out couldn't spawnshire theoretically block an infinite number of attackers of infinite strength as long as you have two mana? Also I think it can counter any spell that targets so basically its like mass shroud.
Also I think WoTC did think this through. I notice that even with the spawnshire combo theres no way to get past mass removal without the more expensive eldrazi lol.
Posted By:
(11/12/2010 2:36:34 PM)
@skew - Banefire. Banefire is your step 5.
Posted By:
(12/11/2010 4:36:40 AM)
@Tony22: Pretty sure Unearth is an activated ability, so yeah :)
Posted By:
(2/20/2011 8:45:14 AM)
i was thinking something along the lines of Training grounds, Contagion Engine and/or contagion clasp - you can fill your deck with so many different creatures of opportunity and these 3 will make them cheap and big in an instant! the engine and clasp will only cost 2 to proliferate if you have 1 TG out, proliferate twice per turn on the engine and you're pumping/infecting pretty quickly there.
Posted By:
(2/22/2011 6:12:10 AM)
There are too many devastating combos with this card... How could it get printed???
Posted By:
(1/13/2012 8:28:35 AM)
This is the offical upgrade of Heartstone, which was basically a powerhouse in sliver decks.
With this, you can basically pull out your entire deck with the overlord, or create infinite slivers with the queen.
This card will become a new staple of blue creature decks.
In other words: THIS CARD + Any Creature with activated abilities = AWESOME.
Posted By:
(1/19/2012 6:22:27 AM)
Clearing this is going in a Giant Slug deck. That just makes sense.
Posted By:
(2/5/2012 9:46:46 AM)
@TPmanW; it's actually only 2 of these, and you can use Spawnsire's ability for just 1 mana. For that first ability, you have (1): put 2 creatures onto battlefield that can sac for (2). It goes infinite really quick after that point.
Posted By:
(3/15/2012 8:18:57 AM)
Extra Errata: In Un-land, either this is banned, or else it DOES let you reduce costs to 0. Whichever you think is more appropriate considering the existence of Greater Morphling.
(Personally I find Reducing to 0 more in may disagree) :D :D :D :D :D
Posted By:
(3/22/2012 3:13:20 PM)