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I remembered my brother's wise words in a draft one night: "If you see a Renegade Doppelganger, take it. He's so good in draft." That very night, I saw two and took them both. If nothing else, he made my shiny Dormant Gomazoa actually useful, and that's no small feat. I will always love Renegade Doppelganger for giving such a terrible card a place in my deck, and for the chuckle I got when I actually pulled that combo off.
Posted By: BilliamQ (7/20/2010 8:36:50 PM)


One way to play Jokulmorder without the downside.

Also, how is this creature so good with allies ? Once the ally enters the Battlefield and the Doppleganger becomes a copy, how does that help ? The Doppleganger didn't enter the battlefield and therefore doesn't trigger anything, and for the casted ally it's too late to trigger Doppleganger's newfound trigger. So, again, how is this good with allies ?
Posted By: Belz_ (7/26/2010 3:17:56 PM)


I use them in my white/blue leveler deck, play a one drop leveler and copy it, then a Venerated Teacher or Training Grounds pump him. After his clone effect ends, he will still get the bonus from Time of Heroes.
Posted By: n00bmag1 (7/28/2010 11:54:17 AM)


Fauna shaman searching for these guys and putting vengevine in the graveyard. Then you just need to play two...
Posted By: brunsbr103 (9/1/2010 6:53:01 AM)


I'm clear on "enter play" effects, but does anyone know about "leaving play" effects? I.e., if I use my renegade to copy a Nevermaker, does the renegade/nevermaker "leave play" when it reverts back (/is no longer a nevermaker)? How about Roil Elemental... if the landfall ability triggers, I take control of two creatures, correct? And then, do I "lose control" of my renegade/roil elemental at end of turn (and thus, the creature I took with it) or do I keep the creature until I lose control of renegade, or do I keep control of the creature indefinitely, as I no longer have a Roil Elemental to lose control of (this last option sounds too good to be true?)?

A related question: suppose I combine the effects of renegade and Dimir Doppelganger, removing a card in a graveyard from the game with my renegade doppelganger copy of dimir doppelganger. My renegade/dimir doppelganger now becomes another creature altogether (that retains ... (see all)
Posted By: hmdguy (9/9/2010 5:30:35 PM)


Mmm... Putrefax...
Posted By: Jedijoe (9/28/2010 1:50:05 PM)


Very nice intro act to T3 Royal Assassin. And sure smashed my face last night as a dredged up Vengevine. Note: definitely choose the the DoppelVine for your kill spell, cause this baby won't come back.
Posted By: Twinsuit (12/18/2010 1:27:56 PM)


I like this card.

drop an Avenger of Zendikar while it is out, then either dropping a land or better yet harrow

Leyline of Anticipation for beefy surprise defense.
Posted By: phatpack (1/9/2011 7:15:17 PM)


I tried this guy in my Sovereigns of Lost Alara deck. I was copying as Alara came out, when my friend pointed out that the copy allowed me to Eldrazi Cons-crption not once, but TWICE.

This guy then became a lock in my deck. Attacking with a power of 26 trample on turn 5 works for me!
Posted By: SeiberTross (1/14/2011 3:52:53 AM)


looky here, a way to give your Blightsteel Colossus haste :D and using Not of This World they can't pop him with anything cause he's no longer a 0/1 :P
Posted By: m190443 (2/14/2011 11:39:46 PM)


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