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It does seem very odd that Ajani Goldmane is endorsing rage and anger. One solution might be that he's simply reciting his ideals from the past (although that doesn't sound to plausible). Another solution would be that the designers of this card didn't give too much thought into its flavor.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (7/15/2009 6:42:20 PM)


Anyone else find it odd that Ajani Goldmane is emphasizing the use of rage? He's pure white, and it was my understanding that by the time he became Goldmane that he had since squashed his fiery and angry nature that had guided his life when he was Ajani Vengeant, a dual red white version of him in his past.
Posted By: Oleander (7/11/2009 4:11:11 AM)


it can be as good as, if not better then giant growth because this gives first strike, which can equate to giving a creature infinite toughness

should be Chandra, not Ajani
Agani is technically Red/White/Green, Titanic Ultimatum is his spell
Posted By: darkfury (10/31/2009 8:18:41 PM)


I'd rather see this as a color shifted Guided Strike
Posted By: mtgraptor (5/31/2010 9:07:41 AM)


In my BlackRed deck loaded with death-touchers, this is pretty much a removal spell.
Posted By: Paleopaladin (8/31/2011 10:12:31 AM)


Ajani's only been in one book (if I recall correctly) and one or two comics. How do we know mono-White Ajani isn't a ball of rage, but just uses White magicks now?
Posted By: NeoKoda (12/22/2011 1:52:22 PM)


As a cantrip it would be just about perfect. But hey, not every card can be a winner.
Posted By: Salient (8/8/2013 7:48:36 PM)


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