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Community Rating: 4.029 / 5  (154 votes)
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Cheers for white phyrexians, black mirrans!
Posted By: redsoxftw (3/6/2011 6:58:22 AM)


It's a great card. I wonder why they chose to use the Mirrian watermark instead of the Phyrexian though.
Posted By: Vinifera7 (6/4/2011 2:00:52 PM)


Its double Disfigure in one.
Posted By: Valyant (9/15/2011 6:54:26 AM)


Well, there goes my Last Gasps. I hate the power creep. And don't tell me because it costs 1 Black more its worth the extra -1/-1 because it's still 2CMC.

4.5/5 for great black removal
Posted By: CorkBulb (7/14/2012 5:35:49 AM)


Nice flavor text, but not very Mirran.
Posted By: Salient (1/7/2013 9:59:17 PM)


So Last Gasp wasn't good enough? That's supposed to be played in multi-colored decks while this is for mono-black?
Posted By: dhinge (2/27/2013 7:55:36 PM)


Riddle me this: Red can't make up its mind about two or three "damage" in the core sets for one or two mana, but black gets a -4/-4 instant for two cmc and fairly recently? No, it can't target a player, but it can kill sooooooooooo many creatures for cheap that red can't because of indestructibility and regeneration. This is why lightning bolt has always seemed fair to me. If blue gets crazy card draw and black can obliterate creatures left and right, then red should get some freakin lightning bolts for crying out loud.
And green REALLY needs a gimmick, because with things like Phrexian Obliterator and Geist of Saint Traft and countless other non-green mana efficient fatties running around, I think that green's supposed claim to being the color of "creatures" has turned into a big fat broken promise.

Yes. I am a butt-hurt green mage who feels a little sorry for red too. I'll admit it.
Posted By: Phelplan (9/8/2013 11:12:49 AM)


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