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The sorcery speed makes it a lot less awesome than it seems at first glance. Still the best answer for a lot of threats (ie. Wumrcoil Engine) in Standard at the moment.

It's not strictly better than Disenchant ; at the moment it's definitely more useful but overall, Disenchant is still better because it's an instant and most artifacts encountered in the field won't be indestructible or have a graveyard trigger.
Posted By: justicarphaeton (12/17/2010 3:39:41 PM)


Well, so much for my old disenchants.
Posted By: Chrome_Coyote (9/24/2010 3:25:15 PM)


"To mr. B. Colossus:
We hereby regret to inform you that your existence has been revoked".

- Oh shi...*
Posted By: Ohcomeon (7/15/2011 12:46:32 PM)


I love the art and the name, but this thing, like Back to Nature is an example of a tendency in Magic design that really drives me nuts. Because it's important that artifact or enchantment desctruct be really strong in this year's Standard season, they've rendered Tranquility useless and Altar's Light very nearly so in Vintage/Legacy/Classic and in any Casual game where the players are able to replace their old cards with strictly better ones. Players who invested in those old cards, either as cheap singles or happening to open them in a booster, are now stuck with completely useless chunks of cardboard, and even if they paid only 5c each for them, the number of cards being obsoleted this way adds up to several whole dollars rather quickly as more and more of these cards are printed. It's probably inevitable that the company has to make this sort of trade-off for the sake of their finances...but it doesn't make it any less depressing to me, the guy who owns like... (see all)
Posted By: willpell (10/17/2010 5:48:36 AM)


Nice card. Though dozens artifact / enchantment removal cards are better... still fine. 3/5
Posted By: majinara (9/27/2010 7:25:23 AM)


Wurmcoil? In MBS you'll need four of them for one reason: Blightsteel Colossus.
Posted By: count_dorku (1/22/2011 1:51:45 PM)


Nice, Enchantment_Removal. You vould have said it in a lot fewer words, but that was pretty good.
Posted By: land_comment (3/25/2011 9:53:47 AM)


Instant speed over sorcery speed is huge. Instants disrupt plans, keep mana open for other shenanigans and allow for last minute choices. Given that this is a defensive spell, and not part of your victory condition, doesn't it need that flexibility? Overrun doesn't need to be an instant. It is an offensive spell that will win the game for you regardless of its speed.

If your format is open to disenchant, and you do not have hard evidence that your opponent will be using artifacts or enchantments that must be exiled, then you should not use Revoke Existence, but instead the (tied with Naturalize for) best enchantment/artifact removal spell ever.

RE is just another tool. It is powerful, relatively flexible and cheap. There obviously exist situations when this trumps disenchant, but they are in the minority.
Posted By: kiseki (4/27/2011 3:02:03 PM)


it bugs me how indestructibility just isnt the same thing, w/ white getting all this exile stuff, back in the day, removing something from the game was actually a big deal lol, now it just seems way too common, lets go back to destroy effects and away from exile again plz, give indestructibility some respect again
Posted By: raadface (3/1/2011 8:46:27 PM)



They printed it to deal with Wurmcoils. Its solid sideboard or even maindeck in std. Get 4, run 3, and put 1 in ur sideboard.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (1/6/2011 4:57:03 AM)


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