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Community Rating: 1.829 / 5  (70 votes)
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Google the Muppets version of "Windmills of Your Mind". That's what this card always reminds me of.
Posted By: nemokara (5/20/2011 10:46:13 PM)


This guy is actually pretty good xD He builds great tempo for sacrificing an artifact (such as Perilous Myr), taking a quick beat, and then making another sacrifice or Goblin-oriented combo... In a very weird way the art is true because this probably is the most stupidly fast Goblin cards ever printed (well maybe not as stupidly fast as lackey, but that's pushing it)
Posted By: Wynzerman (7/4/2011 12:17:18 AM)


Not as fast as Rocket-Powered Turbo Slug
Posted By: GhoulChef (10/13/2011 1:57:46 AM)


I never really used him for combat. But a free artifact sac engine is awesome. I used him along side the wellsprings, spine of ish shah, the creature that loves artifacts in the graveyard, and also for a steal creature, liquid metal coating combo. Sorry, in the right deck, I think this little guy can wreck some serious carnage.
Posted By: Twilly05 (7/25/2013 8:48:28 AM)


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