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Community Rating: 3.000 / 5  (54 votes)
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At least they got infect...oh wait. It's still on the crappy side of the set.
Posted By: Gavrilo (9/28/2010 5:57:26 AM)


"This trigon is well costed"? You noticed it's six!!! mana for the first 1/1 dork? The second one will be merely two mana (hurray), and from then on it's two generic and two green mana to create one dork every two turns.

Other cards end the game for six mana. This one gives you a lousy 1/1 dude.

If you check the wikipedia for "unplayable junk" you will find this cards name there.
Posted By: majinara (9/27/2010 10:15:31 AM)


I like this Trigon. And also I worked out a nice combo for it...but please forgive me if I am wrong but.
Req: Trigon, Liquimetal Coating, and Throne Of Geth
Trigon comes into play with 3 charge counters.
Pay 2 Mana to produce token.
Tap Liquimetal Coating make the token an artifact.
Sacrifice the (now artifact) Token to proliferate.
Add a charge counter to Trigon.
Add counters as you wish.
Posted By: instinx1 (3/18/2011 8:07:07 PM)


Hmmn.. Pretty useless... Only way I kind see it being useful is if you run a few Doubling Seasons and proliferates...
Posted By: Noalwyn (3/31/2011 7:50:43 AM)


This + Plaguemaw Beast = Each turn proliferate for 2. Nice if you ask me.
Posted By: Ameisenmeister (6/28/2011 1:08:35 PM)


Has anyone else noticed the similarity to Serpent Generator from Legends? Anyway, this is a pretty mediocre card. 2/5.
Posted By: Wanderer25 (11/9/2011 9:26:37 PM)


Why the 3 star rating?

6 mana to get a 1/1 infect? Absolute garbage in constructed. In limited where everyone is playing with absolute garbage, sure this can give you some creatures.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (10/26/2013 4:30:17 PM)


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