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I'm a flavor person myself, and I don't see anything wrong with this. The core sets don't have any specific plane or theme to stick to, so it's perfectly okay to have a reference to Alara, or an otherwise "random" flavor text.
Posted By: CJM2 (11/5/2010 11:17:41 AM)


These are a staple in my casual elf deck for the card advantage and an elf I don't mind chumping with after it hits the field.
Posted By: Nai_Calus (4/10/2011 12:00:35 AM)


Nice art, gives cantrip, but poor statistics. Might be played in elves deck. 4/5
Posted By: Extodus (4/11/2011 4:27:11 AM)


Normaly, a 1/1 cantrip for two isn't great... but it get's you an elf without costing a card!
Posted By: Kindulas (6/10/2011 11:21:39 PM)


I run a green-black deck with Oracle of Mul Daya and Garruk's Horde for deck-thinning and card advantage purposes. The only problem is when the top card of your deck is neither a land nor a creature.

That's one of the many uses of Elvish Visionary. You draw the top card and get another shot at revealing a land or creature card. Also useful for this combo are Sign in Blood and Primeval Titan wich should attack each turn, even if it gets killed or ends up not dealing damage. Any other card that lets you shuffle is also good. It takes a few turns to build up the proper amount of mana (not too many, though, as this is mainly an elf deck), but after that you end up playing at least 4-5 cards every turn.

Of course a green draw card is always useful even without a proper combo.
Posted By: patatahooligan (12/29/2011 5:47:27 AM)


Pro Elf. 4/5
Posted By: Silence9 (2/18/2012 5:48:13 AM)


2/5 I hate this card for one very important reason. Its better than Merchant of Secrets. I understand Green creatures are supposed to be better than blue in every format. but seriously??? you get a 1/1 body and a cantrip for 2 mana, meanwhile Merchant of Secrets is a 1/1 body for 3 mana. Blue is supposed to be the color that draws cards efficiently. Green is really stepping on Blue's toes here. How would they feel if there was Blue creatures with Trample? Seriously Imagine 6/6 or 9/9 blue creatures with built in trample at the common spot, doesn't feel very blue, does it?
Posted By: vantha (6/13/2012 3:26:50 PM)


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