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I'm not a big fan, but this planewalker is probably one of the best. you control half control your opponent draw (he need a certain color of a land, well you can make it even harder for him to get it.

No need to control your opponent draw, then control your own by drawing 3 card and choosing wich one you want to keep.and if you had a useless card in your hand, just send it at the bottom of your library next turn.

your opponent is treathening you with it's baneslayer or abyssal demon, send it back to his hand and force him to recast it/wait for summoning sickness.

If your opponent is dumb enough to leave this jace on the field long enought, make he's library countain only 3-4 card^^

The only thing he need is : use this ability anytime you could play an instant, remove from the game all spell on the stack, send back all creatures your opponent control and all his hand at the bottom of his library. You MOST play an extra ability from this planewalker this turn

Posted By: Sorxores (2/7/2010 4:38:59 PM)


OK, this is likely to be the single best plans-walker out there now.

Admittedly his plus move is not as good as some I have seen, Espeth for instance makes creatures, but it grants some control, has flexibility, and has no downside, unlike the old Jace. This is good for a plus ability.

His 0 ability is not bad at all. More than good enough to have been his minus ability.

His actual minus ability is potentially lethally potent, easily granting the user a fair amount of domination over the field.

And lastly, his "ultimate" move. Unless you have been utterly slaughtered already and your opponent is just toying with you, this will end the game in your favor, barring extraneous circumstances. First, it removes your opponent's entire deck, all but handing you a mill victory, then it disarms them by placing their hand into there new, almost empty, deck. Worst case, they have 7 cards in their deck (barring extraneous circumstances involving increased max hand size) and you have to mill a ... (see all)
Posted By: Zoah (2/11/2010 5:27:27 AM)


I bought a Worldwake booster box as soon as it went on sale. I pulled an Abyssal Persecutor and Jace. Wow what a nice payday! Sold both and got the rest of my box for free!
Posted By: GouldenDraak (3/17/2010 9:45:58 AM)


Today, I saw this at my local shop for $75 dollars. Holy.
Posted By: Lunarblade (5/21/2010 7:02:02 PM)


can someone explain to me how I'm supposed to play this guy. I'v gotten a couple of these and a couple sarkhan vols and I'v found that sarkhan has won me the game more, has gained me more advantage and has just been all around more useful. yet he's at $5 when jace is at $80.

Why is he so good? what am I supposed to do with him?
Posted By: Gezus82 (6/28/2010 1:14:43 PM)


Anyone else notice that the new mechanic "proliferate" will be able to add loyalty counters? With the right amount of mana and some decent untapping skills, you could theoretically use his -12 ability the same turn you drop him.
Posted By: TheChurchIsHere (9/13/2010 8:23:49 AM)


I never realised how powerful he was until I properly read the rules. In multiplayer I just vaguely recall him turning up and either being countered or getting something of unusual proportions trampling him into the dirt before he could wreak havoc.

He is seriously scary, but he loses a lot of punch when there's more than one player who refuses to let him rear his OP head.
Posted By: psychichobo (10/11/2012 12:41:23 PM)


One of the most game-ending cards ever designed. Completely broken, defining formats to the point where whoever resolved Jace first would win. Because, as soon as he drops, it's GAME OVER.
Posted By: SubstantiaNigra (6/11/2013 10:44:07 AM)


I HATE YOU, YOU OVERPOWERED PIECE OF *******************************************************************!!! DOWNGRADE THIS MISTAKE OF A CARD!
Posted By: Kamidii (2/12/2011 10:24:26 PM)


Posted By: NuckChorris (7/13/2011 1:03:44 PM)


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