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I still can't see how, during the design process, nobody said "Hang on, this card is obviously broken".

I'm still going with the theory that Wizards printed a broken card on purpose to shift the crapheap that is Worldwake. Hopefully they've learned their lesson.
Posted By: Studoku (5/16/2011 11:38:14 AM)


Broken. Hate it. I traded mine away for cards that are more fun for myself and my opponents.
Posted By: Asinine-Ultimatum (7/17/2010 2:32:18 AM)


Okay, paying $15 for a magic card is utterly stupid in my opinion. But 70 plus? Idiocy can not even describe it.
Posted By: sancrosact (6/17/2010 9:17:35 AM)


Really wizards? Enough with the frikin chase cards, they ruin the game especially for standard...not so much for the older formats. There was no frikin reason for jace in wwk. It was the black sheep of the set...just a sheep on roids. Theres no reason for them to print a card that completly outclasses 200 other cards. Make a balanced set not a retarted card to sell a set. The mythics that are being printed are fast moving from their intended purpose and fail to fairly advance the game. Now they're a very good source to push a product that was otherwise very mediocre...WWK and most ROE mythics.

Now, that the rant is over

I feel that this card is extremly overrated. Very good but not worth its price tag...as with most money standard cards nowadays. I've played against it in legacy, extended, and tons in standard and he has never lived up to the hype... for the most part i tend to leave the boy alone and focus on the more immediate threats at hand or just whack it all at once becaus... (see all)
Posted By: dacow (9/28/2010 1:41:08 PM)


I'm really glad that wotc make a good Blue card , but yet of course it should be incredibly expensive mythic rare...
Posted By: True_Smog (2/7/2010 10:19:38 AM)


The local shop where I live has it for $15! HAHA all you people that are paying $50-$70!
Posted By: EchoMage (5/29/2010 1:51:07 PM)


mythic rares...good idea or mtg killers? obviously, people spending $320 for a 4-of is good for mtg. but printing ridiculously powerful cards that, by themselves, are win conditions? it's definitely a murky area. i'm hesitant to use the term 'slippery slope', but it definitely feels like mtg is heading in a bad direction. the fact that they are making tons of money off mythic rares is not lost on me. that's is, again, obviously very good for everybody that loves this game.

this guy (along with a few other mythic rares) are "heavily frowned upon" at our local play group. we play to have fun, not roflstomp everybody with $80 cards.
Posted By: Lunaar (7/20/2010 10:56:27 AM)


Favorite walker ever.

I know I'm in the minority, but I like when WotC prints crazy stupid broken cards like this. Not because of the format warping it causes, but because it shows that Wizards is still willing to push boundaries. However, it does seem like the power creep is getting out of hand. Mainly because they're printing a lot of card that would be format warping and crazy on their own if they were printed 5 or so years ago, and making them so mundane and everywhere that they're 50 cent junk rares.
Posted By: Volafortis (5/11/2012 12:25:23 AM)


+2 - Pretty nice...
0 - Dang! That's good!
-1 - It can be useful, but let's check the ultimatum
-12 - Holy sh**.
Posted By: CineqPl (10/9/2012 1:40:53 PM)


I've been playing magic since the early 90's back when Black Lotus was like $10.

This card is the sole reason I quit playing magic.

Wizards why did you sell this game to the makes of Yu Gi Oh, and Duel Decks?

Wizards you suck now. Just like Blizzard. Damn sell outs.
Posted By: Yoduh (12/1/2010 11:15:52 PM)


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