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Community Rating: 4.058 / 5  (1169 votes)
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My favorite Jace moment so far is the following scenario:

I used his -1 for two turns in a row against an opponent's wurmcoil engine. Since they only had 6-7 mana at the time, it was essentially like they did nothing for two turns except remove two loyalty counters from Jace in a very roundabout way.

After the game was over, I asked my opponent, "Why did you keep on playing your wurmcoil engine if you knew it was just gonna be bounced again?"
Response: "It's so hard for me to think when there's Jace in my face!"

Posted By: friendtoall17 (12/20/2011 1:56:34 PM)


You mean, Jace the Money Raper?
Posted By: EvilCleavage (10/16/2010 9:51:26 PM)


I understand how awesome this card is. I really do. I lose to him all the time. I'm not being bitter, but cards like this KILL casual play. Tournament play has been dead since Urza's block, in my opinion, but $80 cards that are this powerful are really destroying the game that I love so much.
Posted By: themlsna (7/6/2010 1:42:30 PM)


Fake and Gay. @ Concerned_Bystander. Agreed.
Posted By: oj48 (2/3/2011 12:16:20 AM)


Hey have ya'll heard? This card was in the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP winning deck for 2010! Can you believe that? I guess the guy had to substitute Storm Crow with SOMETHING in standard. =/
Posted By: mflanaga (2/28/2011 6:29:44 PM)


I hate this card.
So many blue decks use him as their sole win condition it's unreal.
How he hasn't been banned is beyond me.
If blue players get upset because they've lost their win condition, well, that's too bad.
This card stops the game being fun, almost single-handedly. That should be one factor that decides which cards are banned.
If wizards do as I hear and reprint this guy, I'll quit all forms of compettitive play and start only buying singles so wizards stops getting my money, unless they reprint Pithing Needle in the same set.

Mill_Master has proven my point for me.
Do you play the deck, or let it play itself while you get a beer?
Posted By: Spideredd (4/11/2011 1:12:25 AM)


Now with more votes than Storm Crow.
Posted By: Axelle (1/18/2012 7:28:11 PM)


This, Counterbalance, Brainstorm (yeah, more brainstorm, ahem), Sensei's Divining Top, fetch lands , countermagic , Mishra's Factory , Standstill... you don't actually need many creatures.. but you'd probably want Phyrexian Dreadnought and Stifle, you know.. if your jace is not winning for you enough.
If they actually manage to stick a creature after counterspelling or getting by the Counterbalance... lol.. just bounce it. while youre waiting around completely controlling your opponents game, go ahead and add 2 counters to it at a shot, and screw up all his topdecks while youre at it. then afterwards, once he has no cards in hand, exile his whole library, then he'll be left with 0 cards, and lose.
And if you dont manage to add counters to Jace 6 times, then just attack with a couple dreadnoughts. I'll tell you what this card reminds me of..... (see all)
Posted By: Hovercraft (12/25/2010 1:02:24 PM)


My normal strategy of "If you can't beat them, join them" doesn't work because the card costs $400 for a playset. I'm a newish player and wasn't around when Worldwake came out, so I basically can't win constructed because in my area because all the current players are playing with top 8 decks built around him. I prefer to build my own decks but they're just not in the same class as the top 8 yet.
Posted By: nikolaannabe (2/2/2011 10:51:23 PM)


Who would not use the first ability against a red deck?

1. Drop Jace.

2. Use his first ability to boost his loyalty as you still have priority to play abilities.

3. Opponent cannot kill him outright.
Posted By: BuffJittePLZ (3/21/2011 9:54:36 AM)


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