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Yep, I think just about everybody has a love/hate relationship with this card. You love it if you can afford to play it. It's funny how a single card can make the game not fun anymore for so many people.

I blame Wizards really. I'm not sure if the problem is any specific card, or the whole idea of 'mythic rarity' in the first place. I can understand wanting to create cards that are desirable, but making the most powerful cards also the most rare makes the game quite elitist.

I feel that if these more powerful cards were more widely available to everyone, not only would it make the game more fun, it would be more challenging because more people would have the ability to create truly competitive decks.

Still have to give this card 5/5 though, there is no denying it's utter awesomeness, even if I do totally freaking hate it.
Posted By: tubbyllarva69 (5/13/2011 4:31:54 AM)


I love the art!
Posted By: wicked_pick (2/16/2010 8:17:17 PM)


how do u use jace effect... like wat does plus 2 or -12 mean?
Posted By: starr2010 (8/12/2010 5:05:31 AM)


This card isn't great because of it's game ending ultimate but because of its sheer versatility. All 3 abilities are good and you can decide what to use based on any situation.

fate seal - keep opponent screwed for mana, they aren't gonna see another land for awhile. Or after you wipe the board with stuff like day of judgement or all is dust, it will maintain your card advantage by not giving him the card he/she wants

brainstorm- creates card advantage while not losing any loyalty counters

unsummon- bounce that annoying creature, such as when they bring big creature using polymorph, or their baneslayer angel won't see the light of the day unless they have 10 mana open and can bring 2 of them in a turn. bounce one of their 2 knight exemplars that's making all knights indestructible. and for some reason your creature has bunch of minus counter or opponents has positive counter then you can unsummon them and reset

It's not easy to bring down Jace cuz he gets +2 every turn if he wa... (see all)
Posted By: MTGGameHero (9/26/2010 11:44:17 PM)


A bunch of people have been debating whether Bolt would kill Jace on arrival or not. In particular folks have generally been interpretting it along these lines:

"If you cast Jace, and your opponent doesn't counter, the spell resolves, and because it's your turn, you get Priority again. Your opponent is not allowed to cast lightning bolt right now. When you take an action, you must pass priority to them before the effect(s) resolve. Jace's ability acts as a sorcery, but adding 2 loyalty counters is the cost that is paid to activate it. You put 2 counters on him, then the ability is activated, then you may pass priority to your opponent if you are done casting/activating abilities. Now they can cast Lightning bolt, but it will not kill Jace, because he's already at 5 loyalty."

My question is this: Even if the cost to pay for the ability acts as an instant, isn't that susceptible to an instant response? I liken it to something I've been doing for a long time playing with my friend... (see all)
Posted By: Annoyilator (3/24/2011 9:22:22 AM)


Ban this card.
Its too powerful and it doesnt have any PRO (I mean this card is for lames)
And why other planeswalkers dont have LAME versions like jace?
Ban this card at all cost. When you exile your library you can go *** and leave the sucker who used it, to end game. I think its too powerful and its only JACE version. Other planeswalkers dont have this version and many people can be annoyed by this. I dont know why Wizards create this card. Only chance to win game when oponnent has Jace, the Mind Sculptor is to destroy jace. Just you must have card with flying, Intimidate, Fear or something and kill him.
Posted By: Silvantor (4/17/2011 1:11:50 PM)


banned, even though i think Stoneforge Mystic was the real villain here
but still- ppl hate on jace because, hes literally just too good
Posted By: raadface (6/19/2011 11:00:55 PM)


4.2? Are you people stupid? This got banned from standard for a REASON. A free brainstorm every turn. No problem what-so-ever, right?
Posted By: God_Of_The_Smurfs (8/8/2011 4:31:02 PM)


This thing was only broken in Standard, where card selection is tight and limited. In Legacy, however, this guy is at a perfect power level.
Posted By: scorpiolegend (11/20/2011 6:51:53 PM)


Does a Blue planeswalker following a Red, Black and Green mean Rise of the Eldrazi is gonna have a new White Planeswalker? Cause if not that isn't fair to White.

The price tag on this thing is so high I could see someone killing for it. Someone with their priorities REALLY messed up.

I'm getting really sick of people who base a card's value off how many kill spells in standard can kill it. This card is broken, without doubt the chase rare of the set. Lightning bolt is supposed to BALANCE it. Just play its first ability first and no worries. You should have a Plumeveil, Wall of Denial, or Calcite Snapper to block for you anyway.

So yeah, it can be killed. What can't?
Posted By: Selez (2/7/2010 12:36:17 PM)


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