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Community Rating: 4.058 / 5  (1169 votes)
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This is, in my opinion, my favorite planeswalker

I was so happy to open him in a booster pack, and he fits nicely into a mill/reanimation deck that I've had sitting around for a while.

Because the deck that he is in tries to control what my opponents draw through such cards as Lantern of insight and cards that mill small amounts through triggers, such as Catheric Adept, I find myself using his first ability until I can trigger the last one for the win.

If I already know what is on the top of my opponent's library, he gives me one more way to get rid of anything good or he gives me a free brainstorm. I tend to forget about his third ability, but it is a respectable one that for some reason kind of reminds me of mark of eviction.

What's not to like? 5/5

EDIT:wait I wrote that?! I'm sorry I wrote that before the whole thing got out of hand (I did get one at the prerelease back then, but I traded it)

Posted By: brunsbr103 (12/5/2011 10:03:44 PM)


Is he going to be reprinted in M12?
Posted By: mauro6006 (6/19/2011 11:10:44 PM)


@non1337 I agree exactly. There is no other permanent that gives you a free brainstorm every turn for four mana. If they had printed an artifact in Shards of Alara that was {2}{u}{u} and let you draw a card every turn, people would be all over it. The power of planeswalkers is a bit too much, in my opinion, and this one especially. But then they also gave him a comparatively useless +2 ability almost expressly for the purpose of mass loyalty pumping, and unlike Gideon's +2, has no real drawback. This enables you to mass boomerang against aggro, and win with inevitability against control (nevermind free Brainstorms).

It's terrible that they are printing an unbeatable mythic for every archetype that every player must own a set of to be really able to compete, which together will cost at least $100.
Posted By: justicarphaeton (11/28/2010 9:08:39 PM)


Okay, Why the hell is Jace rated lower than Hellkite Overlord? Hellkite Overlord is a terrible card, he starts with his CMC, 8? Oh, wait I forgot to note that his Mana cost is colour intensive. He might be strong, though the trouble of paying 8 colour intensive mana, for something that wi ll get reptetively blocked by BSA is not worth it...Jace on the other hand can be placed in almost any blue deck keeping a great turn 4 packing abilities that actually scare players. If you think I'm talking about his -12 than you're wrong, his other 3 abilities are good enough on their own. Jace controls the field and is played in every format except sometimes Vintage. Compared to something that isn't played in any format except for a small group of 12 vyear old kids that just pulled their first mythic.

Jace is 5/5 no exceptions /end
Posted By: Proply_Rating_Cards (6/4/2011 5:06:43 PM)


LoL! Too many people are afraid of this card. Though it's my favorite planeswalker and one of my best deck has Jace as the centerpiece; I don't mind facing-off against this card.

Red instants would do short work of this card; and the same goes for super fast Saproling or Elvish decks. Black Sorceries and White Enchantments are good counters for Blue. There are Vampires and Paladins that are great in subduing planeswalkers. Heck, Jace-based decks are even prone to human army decks equipped with lots of artifacts.

Yeah, the card's abilities are powerful. UW decks with Jace as the centerpiece are becoming the trend on tournaments. Never mind the last; it's the first, second, and third skills that would hurt the most, but it's not really invincible. In Extended and Standard format, there are too many counters for Jace the powerful.
Posted By: HPS (12/16/2010 3:12:26 PM)


@polychromatic, Paleopaladin: Is a card with a CMC of 0, split second, you win the game, you can have any number of CARD NAME in your library a 5/5 card? It's technically the "best" card, since it instantly wins you the game.

But that would be completely stupid and would turn the game into a coin toss or dice roll to see who goes first and then wins.

That card would deserve 0/5 because it would be a completely and utterly stupid and broken card.
Posted By: Squab (2/23/2012 4:54:07 PM)


well costed, and relevant in all formats, it is exactly what we have come to expect from planewalkers, and i am glad to see this new jace
Posted By: wolfv (1/29/2010 4:06:38 PM)


"I hope no one thinks that it's actually just as simple as bolting Jace the second he hits the table. That doesn't actually work; he should be at 5 loyalty before opponents get an opportunity to damage him."

@Cryonic how so? the ability works at sorcery speed the bolt's an instant.

WotC as your greatest fan and someone who has enjoyed the game about 11 years now please print a card in your next set that costs two colourless is a common instant and reads target player sacrifices a permanent which cost $70+ if it would go to the graveyard exile it. You may give the owner a light slap for buying a magic card that could have fed 200 third world citizen's for a year.
Posted By: MDStrawHat (7/13/2010 10:01:07 PM)


DOOD errybdoy thinks dis card is so qood but yu kno what, it actually isnt. i hav 4 but i never use em cuz deyre so bad. let hollin'dayze explain <3:

first of all, rite off da bat, dere iz no way anybody gonna let it get all da way to 12. wat do yuu plan on doing? dubblin season? more like, u need TWOOOO of da dubblin seasons 2 make dis come in2 play wit 12 coutners, but at dat point u mite as well just play a token deck, or perlifrate LOL. nd u kno errybody cud just use o--ring on dis. which dey would. one time i wuz playinq against my boo, hershey, (luvv ya baby!!! pureto rico wuz grate) and he pulled a jax bleren mind scoltpler nd i just attacked it wit my liqhtnin bolt, which rite of da bat won me da qame!!!!!! bcuz he was actually only at 3. so i didnt actualy attic jax. i atticked him.. so just qoez 2 show u dat even if u hav a jax, if u at 3 lyf u still cant win. now, wat if u had mah qurl, Anqel of Mercy. she is da best. she cud get ... (see all)
Posted By: HollinDayze69lolll (8/19/2011 3:38:41 PM)


I just don't understand people, especially you Hovercraft, anymore. That's true , jace TMS is so powerful, i'm agreed with that. But this isn't the first time of abused mythic, you know. Where were all of you people who hates blue, when baneslayer angel was printed? Or elspeth, knight errand? Where were you when lightning bolt was back and then everyone was looking creatures which have 3 or lower toughness, as a "bolt bait"? Even Nissa didn't shine due to existence of lightning bolt. Green has incredible creature advantage with Vengevine or land advantage with Primeval Titan now, too. But all of these colours hates blue as always. And telling always the same thing "Blue doesn't let us resolve a spell and this is not fun!1" This is how blue battles, and you can't blame blue because of it's traits which are deceit, manipulation, counterspell or versatility.On the other hand, if you look precisely, blue has a lot of disadvantages such as weaker creatures, temporary removing permanents ... (see all)
Posted By: Frozenwings (12/27/2010 5:49:18 AM)


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