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You put loyalty counters as part of the ability activation cost, so in the situation you just described bolt would not kill him...
Posted By: TomAlso (1/31/2010 12:20:07 PM)


I'm on the casual side of the spectrum. I've never seen this gentleman in play and I hope I never do.

I understand exactly why this card is amazing. The problem is... it's kinda dumb. Card advantage and draw control are extremely useful, but they're boring abilities. A good card is one that makes you say "What an awesome ability!" This makes you say "I could use this to win more games."

Progenitus is a good card. "Protection from everything" is an ability that makes you do a double-take, gives you a moment of impending terror when it hits the battlefield. Jace isn't interesting at all, and a dumb way to blow several hundred dollars if you're anyone but the most hardcore tournament players.

Even if you gave me 4 of these for free, I wouldn't use them because my friends would stop playing with me. I won't even put my Sol Rings in my decks because they're not a satisfying way to win.

So yeah, I don't care how good he is, as far ... (see all)
Posted By: MisterAction (6/13/2011 9:06:52 PM)


He's up to $59.99 on StarCityGames. He's more like "Jace, the Money Scalper".
Posted By: Mafoo (2/2/2010 1:58:18 PM)


I wish that they made this guy more expensive (maybe five mana? six?) or something so he wouldn't be banned. he's such a cool planeswalker. it's a real shame that they made him just a wee-bit too overpowered.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (8/17/2011 1:04:41 PM)


Today before the Pre-Release, this card is marketed at: $34.95 for the non foil.
On the 31st, Jace jumped to $39.95
On 2/1/2010 Jace shot up to $44.95
Jace, The Cash Cow
Posted By: MTGFreak (2/1/2010 11:14:21 PM)


This was the card that was holding Caw-Blade back, right?
Posted By: AjaniHouse (8/4/2011 7:08:28 PM)


Banned in Modern? My friends, look at the PT Philly results. Is a {2UU} fast enough to edge you out against Goryo's Vengeance, 12post, and Splinter Twin? Maybe. Is it fast enough to edge you out against Blazing Shoal powered Mono Blue Infect? I believe Jace just wet himself.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (9/7/2011 1:07:14 AM)


Funny, the name on this card says Jace, the Mind Sculptor.

I always thought it was Jace, the AUEAUAUEAEUARRGH.
Posted By: anytwofactors (4/4/2012 2:11:54 PM)


Lorescale Coatl? Archmage Ascension? Tutoring up that final mill barrage might be nice once it's active.
Posted By: touchdown (2/2/2010 8:59:20 PM)


I have only one thing to say about this card: F*ck you Jace, f*ck you.
Posted By: Feralsymphony (5/1/2011 9:40:32 PM)


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