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Interesting card. Let's see....

His +2 ability is formidable. It is one of the better first abilities that most planeswalkers have. (I'm looking at you, Jace Beleren) The fact that you both gain life and make another target lose life is useful, especially against an annoying chump blocker or Ondu Cleric.

His -3 ability can be useful, but it can also be a lot better. It really is only worth the -3 loyalty when vs. a white lifegain deck. Considering his other abilities, you think this would be better.

Finally. This last ability is extremely powerful. As many others have said, yes it is Mindslaver, and yes we know everything you can do on an opponent's turn. I won't repeat everyone else, but I will remind people that you can tap lands even if you are not going to use the mana that they produce. So during your opponent's turn, you can still tap all their lands and attack with creatures you know will get killed. It is a... (see all)
Posted By: divine_exodus (10/28/2010 3:02:31 PM)


Absolutely hilarious in EDH, oh I'm sorry, I meant Commander. 40 life you say? Bwahahahaha!!!!!
Posted By: iaiji (12/28/2010 6:51:08 AM)


I'm guessing if he was a DnD character his alignment would be neutral evil.
Posted By: Stray_Dog (1/6/2011 3:29:18 AM)


yes i totally agree when they say its hard to tell hes a vampire...but thats only if you dont look at guys like guul draz vampire and ruthless cullblade and such, they often hve to do with the opponent having 10 or less health, so sorin is a core vampire, hes just so much more is all
Posted By: Khultar (1/14/2011 1:16:16 AM)


this card is cool but it makes me fell bad NOT
hey i just bot this and put it in a mono black vampire deck its swet deck
Posted By: tonyf (1/27/2011 6:05:51 AM)


Probs my fav 'walker, with Bolas and Koth
Posted By: Superllama12 (1/30/2011 6:44:42 PM)


In EDH Sorin Markov's ability is what my playground calls "Life Nuke," for it basically reduces you to a quarter of your starting health as soon as he hits the field (6 mana is not very much at all in EDH) while still retaining that one loyalty counter, giving him continued field advantage and his 2 damage 2 gain ability.
Posted By: Azrael1911 (2/10/2011 6:37:49 PM)


His art is easily some of the best ever. I might complain about how the background seems greenscreened, more so even than others, but the actual character design is both amazing and incredibly well done. Other drawings of him don't compare, though they're cool to. I'd say what I like about it except that would be everything, so I'll just mention the black eyes and amazing hair. That's the main thing, the art on sorin's thirst and sorin's vengance don't do justice to the hair, though I guess that Rise poster mostly did.
The only reason he isn't my favorite planeswalker for charater is that I'm a sucker for brash, female powerhouses, and Chandra is the definition of that. But Sorin has, objectivly the best aesthetic design.
Posted By: Kindulas (8/2/2011 10:58:43 PM)


I once saw someone playing this against a lifegain deck. His opponent went from 120 to 10 to 0 life in one turn. It was beautiful.

@Darthparralax: Do you really think that Sorin, Lord of Innistrad + Doubling Season will be broken enough to be banned everywhere? I kind of highly doubt it.
And if someone manages to assemble Sorin + Doubling Season + Experiment kraj + Mycosynth Lattice + March of the Machines / Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas combo (4 colors, 5 cards, CMCs 4-6), that person deserves to win anyway.
Posted By: Lash_of_Dragonbreath (3/4/2012 11:09:32 PM)


Better than the lord of Innistrad, by much much more.
Markov's mana cost is worth it; having four loyalty when he enters and having a +2 ability as opposed to Lord's +1. In my opinion, Markov's first ability can really change a lot of things, and is just as good for black/white as Lord. His -3 ability is a game changer, especially in a Two-Headed giant match. The only downside is that you may have used the first ability enough to make it irrelevant, and it can't target yourself. Lord's -2 really doesn't do that much, but it can end up being good. I think Markov's 2nd is better overall. Lord of Innistrad's last ability is not good. It takes him at least three turns to get up to it, and it's not that great. It destroys three creatures or planeswalkers, which many people like because "omigarsh it can kill other planeswalkersssss!!!1!!1!one!" I think that planeswalkers are not so commonly used that if your point is to use the last ability on a planeswalker, you will just hoard it for a whi... (see all)
Posted By: EKraj (8/11/2012 5:48:12 PM)


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