wouldnt feldon's cane be better since it can be put in any colored deck? the only upside this would have is that enchantments are a bit harder to get rid of and you can target any player with it. I guess you could sorta hose dredge with this too, if you hate tormod's crypt or save another player you like from being milled. But it does take alot longer to use than the cane, so if you didnt get it early on you could still hypothetically be milled to death, whereas the cane likely wont let that happen to you.
Posted By:
(8/5/2012 7:33:32 AM)
Anti Mill? sure.
Anti-graveyard...Tormod's Crypt
Posted By:
(8/19/2013 10:49:18 AM)
Errr... Really, your opinion varies somewhat depending on whether the card shuffles itself, but... Tell me if I'm wrong, but costs activate before the payout, and the cost sacrifices the card, so the reshuffle includes includes this card. So Jace, the Mind Sculptor gets a one finger salute as long as this card is primed.
Posted By:
(2/25/2014 11:20:50 PM)
I like it in EDH with mana ramp (Kruphix, God of Horizons anyone?) with Genesis Wave. Put your deck onto the table, use this to shuffle your graveyard (plus whatever instants and sorceries you just milled) back into your deck.
Posted By:
(4/20/2014 10:22:50 PM)