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Hey, I bet you're right, swordoath. I'm glad they kept this, though.
Posted By: land_comment (3/9/2011 8:16:10 AM)


One of my most epic multi-player chaos games was one with this bad boy.

I drew him and a tendrils in my opening hand, and the proceeded to draw lands or useless stuff for most of the rest of the game. I was beaten down to like 5 health. Then the majority of people seemed to think I was dead anyway as they knew all I had drawn once I got to this ridiculously low amount were Phyrexian Arenas.

I bided until I had about 12 Swamps out and dropped this SOB. Everyone's stuff fried and the one thing that survived got Tendriled to death. Everyone had taken such a beating by that point I just smacked the rest of the players off by 6 a turn.
Posted By: Arachobia (4/8/2011 8:05:26 AM)


Posted By: kashonismw (10/16/2011 10:45:58 AM)


This really happened once with my friend... My friend played with red Goblin-Devil-deck. I played with black-green-deck. My friend started the game...

(When my friend started, I revealed Chancellor of the Tangle from my hand.)

My friend: "HAHA! Best opening hand ever!" (He plays mountain, then Rite of Flame and Ornithopter, then plays Kuldotha Rebirth to sacrifice Ornithopter.)
"...And that wasn't all!" (He plays Vexing Devil.) "Do you wish to take damage?"

Me: I don't think so.

My friend: Well, ok...

(My turn begins...)

Me: "I play swamp, then Dark Ritual, another Dark Ritual, then THIRD Dark Ritual."
(I have seven (B) and one (G) in my mana-pool.) "Now I use all the mana and I cast Reiver Demon..."

My friend: Hoooooly crap...
Posted By: TheZombifier (12/20/2012 1:07:18 PM)


Why is this thing not a legendary creature!? How many of these army-slaying things are flying around?
Posted By: Nosrac (2/20/2013 3:33:48 PM)


"Tremble in terror – you are finished!"
Posted By: Goatllama (4/23/2014 11:58:58 AM)


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