Makes Sanguine Bond a bit stronger if your using it in your vampire deck. I'm teetering on the fence whether to use 2 or 3 these days.
Posted By:
(1/29/2010 11:43:06 PM)
This is one of the best Vampires in the block so far. Stops your opponent from burning off you small guys, unless they want to take the damage.
Posted By:
(1/29/2010 3:12:30 PM)
No one is chiming in with "Can't fight the Worldwake power!"???
Posted By:
(8/20/2011 11:33:54 PM)
So if i lose 5 vamps to day of judgement, i need to pay 5 x {B} to gain 10 and have the opponent lose 10 life? Or do i only need to pay {B}? Please help me clear this up!
Posted By:
(4/1/2010 4:12:01 PM)
If i had 4 of these out, and one vampire dies. Could i just pay 1 {B} and that would trigger all four? or would i have to pay one {B} for each highborn's ability?
Posted By:
(4/28/2010 4:29:48 PM)
Awesome Art She Looks Like A Cenobite, And One KickAss Vampire Best In Worldwake If Not Third Or Fourth Best To Nocturnus, Nighthawk And Bloodghast, Anyways 5/5 One Swamp Is Not A Big Deal By The Way
Posted By:
(1/29/2010 10:59:28 AM)
I can't help but notice that it doesn't limit how much you can spend for each trigger...
Posted By:
(2/9/2010 9:09:44 PM)
this is crazy! i hate vampires. i hate them i hate them i hate them....... this guy should cost at least one colorless mana more to even him out some...
Posted By:
(11/29/2011 9:26:35 AM)
Vampire Aristocrat, yo.
Posted By:
(2/7/2010 1:19:42 PM)
@Blindthrall - you can only pay the cost once per trigger. it says "you may pay B" meaning you either choose to pay B or not, but can invest no more mana than just a single B.
Probably the best part about this dude is that she makes all those supposedly futile attacks with your bloodghast a real threat now! And won't you feel cute when your opponent blocks the Bloodghast with a fatty, only to have you Urge to Feed the big guy. Now your opponent is down a 5/5 creature, your vamps are buffed up, they lost 2 life, and you gained 2, all for the cost of 3 black mana, a card from hand, and the bloodghast! Wicked sweet!
And Day of Judgment or any other form of mass removal becomes a very painful choice for your opponent now. If you leave your lands open, your opponent will have to ask themselves "Do i clear the board, lost 10 life, and give them 10? or do i hope i can topdeck something that can stop this already present threat?"... (see all)
Posted By:
(2/11/2010 6:43:25 AM)