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I can spend my first three to four turns frantically ramping, dieing to all sorts of spells, and then it happens I get my salvation, one of my big landfally creature cards, it tap my six and smile triumphantly as I lay down my giant angel. I play Marsh Flats and slay one creature, and the swamp I bring in fells another, I pass the turn to my wrecked opponent staring down a 6/6 flier.
Then he casts one of his 8 instant speed removal spells, and all damage was undone, when I could of just played a finisher that left something behind if it dies like Ranger into Scute Mob/Dragomaster. Or Rampaging Baloth's two tokens.

You don't wanna say dies to removal, but in the deck it was 'designed' for it's just asking for disaster when you could play the sure thing.
Posted By: Lestat13 (1/30/2010 11:03:22 PM)


Just because of goddamn baneSLAYER, this angel will not be played.
Posted By: True_Smog (2/7/2010 8:34:03 AM)


Another great angel that is buried underneath Baneslayer's shadow.
Posted By: thezanet (2/8/2010 4:42:29 PM)


I've already gotten 3 of these, one foil. I think I'll have a bit of fun with it in casual, but that's about it. Good trading power.
Posted By: Batstewart (2/11/2010 10:58:53 PM)


The card has value in the sense that you can remove your own creatures to get return to play (leaving or entering) effects, where if your opponent ever removes your angel they come back into play and do more damage, aka nevermaker, puppeteer clique, shriekmaw, spitebellows, and etc. The problem with it.. well.. its an oblivion ring on legs, its six mana with a heavy color requirement (3 white), and like oblivion rings.. and the thing I hate about them the most.. is your opponent can always just destroy them to put everything you exiled back on the field. This is of course, if they don't just put a faith's fetters on it or other pacifying card. It's also high enough mana cost that you shouldn't be expecting to see lots of top deck lands after it hits play so it will be a bit slow and inconsistent, as has been true with rampaging baloths, its green equivalent. So, I would imagine someone will mess around with it via entering/re-entering play shenanigans, but I don't expect it to see ... (see all)
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (2/12/2010 12:14:54 PM)


I love this card but only tested it a lil bit. Just pair her up WITH BSA, KotR+Sejiri Stepe, Dauntles escort, etc. Of course it dies to removal, but its the last thing from your hand so they probably used removal to shoot down everything else. Even if you remove 2 things for 2 turns its tempo and don't forget she is a frigin 6/6 flyer that beats out almost everything in standard.
Posted By: Chromatone (2/13/2010 8:34:18 PM)


When this guy dies, the damage is not undone. All the creatures removed with him will be back, but not after missing one or more turns (unless he's destroyed before you get any lands out, in which case almost ANY creature would be useless if destroyed that fast). If you manage to actually get away with keeping him alive indefinitely through shroud, counters, or luck, he's practically unstoppable, since his removal is an ability that is activated by playing lands, which is very hard to do anything about. Then there's always the idea of exiling your own creatures for some combo purpose. I don't see that being useful most of the time, but I love cards like this, Spirit Link and Path to Exile that are brutal, but also can be used strategically on the opposite player as expected to gain hidden benefits.

I really hope to get one of these when I draft a box with 4 of my friends I play casual with. If I do, removal is suddenly going to find itself much more popular with our metagame. :3... (see all)
Posted By: SleetFox (2/21/2010 9:30:23 PM)


A six six flier for 6 isn't bad despite the color weight, but this landfall ability makes this a stupid easy choice for any white player that can lay hands on one. Obvious synergy with ruin ghost.
Posted By: schacher (2/24/2010 5:31:43 PM)


I have an idea for decks that run {W}{G}.
Use Admonition Angel to exile your own creatures, and get something out that can give your creatures haste. Then you drop Novablast Wurm and swing with him.

Long story short: Novablast Wurm kills Admonition Angel along with everything else, and when the Angel dies all of your creatures come back into play. So you have a bunch of creatures, your opponent's got zilch.
Posted By: Diachronos (3/2/2010 5:44:51 AM)


I use her with Crucible of Worlds, Strip Mine, and Fastbond. Tutor into crucible, fetch a dual land and bring out 5-6 lands out to cast the angel. Recur Strip Mine or play Armageddon until they're left with no field and no lands. Add Pulse of the Fields and that should do it.

Posted By: l0k13 (3/13/2010 1:25:50 PM)


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