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The only practical situation i could imagine using this spell would be to counter a "splice into arcane" spell, since this would be the only way (that i can think of) an opponent could cast several spells that remain on the stack as you cast Mindbreak. but if anyone can think of another situation, id love to hear it. The only advantage that this card has over a Cancel spell is that it exiles the spell; Great against wizards that play spells from the graveyard.
Posted By: thediplomat (12/1/2009 9:38:46 AM)


This is the ultimate cascade killer.

You're tapped out and watch calmly as your opponent casts bittuminous blast, cascades into bloodbraid elves, cascades into blightning.

You cast mindbreaktrap for free and exile everything on the stack. No fuss. No muss. Just 3 for 1 card advantage.

Not to mention that it exiles cards rather than countering them, so it gets around great sable stag and banefire to name a few.

Really a cool counterspell/trap. The only thing I don't like about it is its mythic rare status. How can a trap be mythic? If everyone had told stories and legends about it, then it's pretty well known. In that case, its not a very good trap, is it?
Posted By: Nickkom (12/3/2009 12:09:52 AM)



My friend believes that this card can exile all spells from your opponent's deck, hand, graveyard and field.

He must be wrong.
I don't know how this works, but it can't be that.
Posted By: .Fighter. (12/12/2009 3:19:29 PM)


ok my only question about this card is I understand that the spell is exile from the stack but does the cards go to grave yard or do they go to your exiled pile out of game? and for all out there there is a difference from the stack and the physical card in your hand.

As for some of the rest yes creatures are spells when they are cast IN THAT TURN ONLY just read the the first line

this cards also does not care if a spell resolved this turn since you have play three spell in A turn to trigger the trap, that is the whole point of trap cards, so yes this cards is a cancel on steroids since you can just sit there let your opponent cast until they are out of mana so they can not counter your trap and just exile all of there stuff in one turn.

As combo hear is one I am going to use. kederekt leviathan, and mindbreak trap this combo is use to exile there entire board on there turn after they put all there stuff back on the board. then y... (see all)
Posted By: Guest1738264902 (12/29/2009 3:46:20 PM)


Bye bye, storm copies! Bye bye, uncounterables! This card is so good on so many levels. And look at the beautiful simplicity of the new word for RFG...very nice to look at. Exiling spells: a benchmark in the game.
Posted By: izzet_guild_mage (12/31/2009 11:24:48 PM)


Here's the deal:
A card is only known as a spell while it's on the stack. Once it resolves and enters the battlefield, it is no longer a spell, it is a permanent.
Consider a sorcery that said "put a 3/3 elephant creature token named 'Trained Armodon' into play."
The only difference between that card and Trained Armodon is that the Elephant token is a token (would cease to exist if removed from the battlefield), wouldn't be considered cast from your hand, and the sorcery would go to your graveyard.
Otherwise, it helps to think of creature cards as just sorceries that say put this or that creature onto the battlefield, represent that creature permanent with this same card.
So, no, you cannot exile every nonland permanent on your opponent's side of the battlefield for two colorless and two blue with Mindbreak Trap. I know, I tried it once (actually, after much debate, it did work then, but...).
Posted By: Fictionarious (1/9/2010 3:15:14 PM)


Yeah, it's good, mostly if your opponent plays sevral good spells on his turn, but most of the time he might just be playing avarage spells, but if done well, yeah. Awesome.
Posted By: PaladinOfSunhome (2/4/2010 11:00:26 AM)


i believe this card was made to stop storm cards.
Posted By: Megrimage (2/20/2010 2:07:05 PM)


Now I can counter that annoying Obliterate in casual group games. Hopefully, with will help nerf storm combo. It's always good for the game to nerf storm combo in all formats.
Posted By: Virel (3/7/2010 11:43:07 PM)


I had one passed to me in Draft, was fairly happy, never got to use it though :*(
Posted By: NeoSin (3/10/2010 8:07:55 PM)


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