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Community Rating: 3.086 / 5  (146 votes)
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I did it! I Broke this card!

Beacon of Tomorrows!

You heard it here first!

Posted By: McThor (9/30/2010 8:48:07 PM)


Type your comment here.Consecrated Sphinx works wonders with this card.
Posted By: circu196 (2/14/2011 4:19:09 PM)


Crap card is crap. By the time you get this up and running, no matter how you do so, it isn't worth it.
Posted By: Designer_Genes (9/26/2009 12:39:29 PM)


2 Merfolk Looters can work on this for you, and get it done really fast. Combined with a Howling mine, this is a 3-4 turn devastator.

Combine with Time Warp and you get an extra turn to hit the objective for free.

At least 3.5/5 for combo potential, as the ability to tutor at will is pretty much game over.
Posted By: Gaussgoat (2/2/2010 8:49:58 AM)


Hello to the upset blue players. Turn that frown upside down I say. I am happy that my favorite color does not have an unwarranted-ly stupid Ascension like all of the other colors do. It helps remove blue from iniquity. I still feel the shame from Teferi 3-4 years ago. Other than TEH NEW JACE (omgomgomgomg), blue standard has nothing that I've heard of to constantly rant about while sleeping, in church, during a test, or while in the bathroom.

So lets recap as to why this card is borderline useless outside of EDH. I like the first ability. It's like a pat on the back for good play behavior. The first ability is fine, the if-clause of the second ability is fine, the problem lies with the resultant clause. I encourage all (or most) who read this to try this experiment: Next time you have a duel (especially against a deck that usually beats you), turn all of you draws into autocard multiverseid="190533... (see all)
Posted By: Enchantment_Removal (5/21/2010 8:23:45 AM)


this may be unlikely but I think this could get going a lot quicker something like this if you were to play first and lay a land every turn for at least the first 4 turns. (number in parenthesis are the number of counters on Archmage Ascension)
turn1 ? - turn 2 Howling Mine - turn 3 Acrchmage Ascension (1) - turn 4 Reckless Scholar (2) opponents turn 4 Brainstorm (3) - turn 5 another Reckless Scholar or something similar (4) opponents turn 5 another draw card to draw 1 or more and use the Reckless Scholar (5) Clockspinning (6)
If there was a way to draw 2 on your opponents turn right after you get Archmage Ascension you could get the counters one turn earlier even, problem is having the mana. Then you can start searching for your combo or color hoser right away.
Posted By: TreeTrunkMaster (12/18/2009 2:16:40 PM)


Cephalid Brokers help. A lot.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (3/24/2010 1:24:21 AM)


Too Bad This Thing Dies To Removal!
Posted By: MasterOfEfherium (4/24/2011 4:25:13 PM)


@falgorn: i will quit magic before i lose to this card
Posted By: artemoila (1/14/2011 12:38:10 PM)


Blue just got far more awesome! I need to get a hold of this. If you're playing blue right, it'll get some nice counters from Ponder or Jace together with Howling Mine. Finding counter magic no longer becomes a problem and you can pull your win condition at your leisure. Quite a nice addition to blue. Thanks, Wizards! (but I STILL won't play with your merfolk. Stop pushing them...)
Posted By: darkerthought7 (10/3/2009 10:11:26 AM)


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