Compares and contrasts well with Wall of Hope and Wall of Essence; but I think Perimeter Captain takes the cake - especially in decks with a good number of walls (or other creatures with Defender).
Posted By:
(5/2/2012 7:41:37 AM)
The best thing about the Cap'n here isn't his synergy with defender, it's the fact that he's a Soldier with defender synergy. Even if he's the only defender in your deck, if you're running a soldier deck, he can become a very scary wall just by himself. I still think I prefer Valiant Guard, if only because once you get all your lords up and running she can join the fray herself, but there's no denying that the Cap'n here will keep you alive for long enough to get your army ready and primed.
Posted By:
(10/30/2012 10:27:49 AM)
How about a printing in Theros? ^^
complete with tasty new Greek art and flavor, the lord of statues
Posted By:
(12/30/2013 3:57:06 PM)