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@cheza, why must you repeatedly question Magic's color pie and criticize r&d for not using your version? It saddens me that the only comments I see from you are "burn makes more sense in green because wood catches on fire" or "Chaos Harlequin should have been white, chaos is white because white is not really a color but all colors combined, at least in the light spectrum" because you really don't understand the color pie of Dominia.
A blue creature can bounce an enemy tapped creature. Why? because blue spells have always been fond of a certain mana advantage early, card advantage later scheme which is called "control." This is not a very good card but it is fine in blue. If it was white, you would have argued with it anyway, did you think of that?
{4}{W} Gladeheart Banisher
Creature- Antelope common
When ~ enters the battlefield return target tapped creature to its opponent's hand. 3/3
Instead, Wizards gives us Glimmerpoint Stag, for example, ... (see all)
Posted By: Kryptnyt (12/21/2010 5:18:36 AM)


3 for a 3/3, plus 2 for an Unsummon variant.

Seems fair enough.

But then you see stuff like Aethersnipe which is bigger and less rigid for only 1 more.

Probably still very good in block or limited.
Posted By: HairlessThoctar (3/5/2010 7:54:58 AM)


meh, its usable in a WU control deck i guess
Posted By: Guntz1092 (7/12/2010 8:29:13 AM)


The first time I saw it, i didn't think it was THAT bad. A 3/3 for 3 and a bounce for 1Blue sounded like a decent deal. But then when I read it again, it said 'TAPPED creature', and THAT really made me think badly of it. But when I consider it again, a 3/3 plus a bounce is never a bad idea.
Personally, i prefer things like the Aether Adept or the Man-o'-War , something a little more efficient and something you can play earlier in the game. However, never underestimate a 3/3 creature and what it can do, in fact, in many games I play, despite all the pricey rares I run, sometimes all I wish for is a 3/3.
Posted By: Binaro (6/13/2012 1:37:35 PM)


not really, white doesnt bounce, white likes having order and it will be aggressive if it needs to to establish order, blue is reactive, and has always had bounce effects. this has always been this way.
Posted By: busdriverdan (11/7/2012 6:14:18 PM)


Dies to Doom Blade.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (11/13/2012 4:40:55 AM)


"Dude, does my hand smell funny to you, oops, my bad bro."
2/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (2/17/2013 7:36:40 PM)


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