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Community Rating: 3.800 / 5  (200 votes)
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Maybe run Magebane Armor with Platinum Angel and Vampire Lacerator, but you're going to need more protection for Platinum Angel. You can't risk it being Path to Exiled when your at negative life.
Posted By: Khias (1/29/2010 11:39:00 PM)


Interesting card, but the effort required to make it efficient ain't worth it.
Posted By: majinara (2/26/2010 2:26:11 AM)


I love everything there is about this card.
Posted By: TastetheJace (12/16/2012 11:23:05 PM)


Now this is a great card. It has such tempting power and immediately sends you scouring for ways to get the most out of a 13/13 for a single Black. The fact that this is as discussed as it is lends some credence to that idea. This is everything Dread Slag wanted to be.

Here's the obligatory chart of Death's Shadow Power/Toughness based on your life total.

20 Life: -7/-7
19 Life: -6/-6
18 Life: -5/-5
17 Life: -4/-4
16 Life: -3/-3
15 Life: -2/-2
14 Life: -1/-1
13 Life: 0/0
12 Life: 1/1
11 Life: 2/2
10 Life: 3/3
9 Life: 4/4
8 Life: 5/5
7 Life: 6/6
6 Life: 7/7
5 Life: 8/8
4 Life: 9/9
3 Life: 10/10
2 Life: 11/11
1 Life: 12/12
Posted By: Equinox523 (2/22/2013 8:24:06 AM)


This is a really difficult card to evaluate in terms of power level, but I think I can safely say that at least the flavor is a home run and the design in general is awesome.
Posted By: mutantman (1/29/2010 3:26:14 PM)


In B/W you could run Platinum Angel with Indestructibility, and this guy.
Posted By: coyotemoon722 (1/30/2010 1:31:41 AM)


This guy + Abyssal Persecutor + Platinum Angel + Bazaar Trader. Slap yourself with a high amount of damage to throw your life into the negative. Donate Abyssal P with Bazaar Trader and swing for massive damage with Death's Shadow.
Posted By: Johnald (1/30/2010 9:47:02 AM)


Went to the prerelease yesterday and one of my opponents had this, I used smother on it and brought it over to my side with Agadeem Occultist, this thing would have ruined me otherwise. It was the only decent move I pulled off in the whole tournement
Posted By: Xarule (1/31/2010 11:26:37 AM)


Actually, negative numbers are treated as zero for the purposes of stat calculation, so no growth for Mr. Shadow here. This is an interesting answer to games where you get stuck at two mana and are being viciously pounded by your opponent. Not only is he huge in those scenarios, your opponent might stop trying to attack you for fear of making him even bigger.
Posted By: ratchet1215 (1/29/2010 11:16:17 AM)


I think he has great potential in a red black pandemonium/electropotence type deck. He comes into play as a 13/13 so that seems like a nice amount of damage on turn four.

Or black white with angelic chorus and sanguine bond .
Posted By: Lionheart5582 (2/27/2010 12:54:02 PM)


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