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Combos with not knowing what the fuck you're doing.
Posted By: Continue (2/28/2013 1:25:59 PM)


Few can play it without losing the game.
Posted By: Sweater (6/24/2013 9:05:13 AM)


Puresteel Paladin + 3x Etherium Sculptor + Illusionist's Bracers + Tidewater Minion = I DID IT! I INFINITE DAMAGED SOMEONE WITH RAZOR BOOMERANG! I WON!

(basically, you play the boomerang, equip it to the paladin,fire the boomerang for 1, tap tidewater minion (who is equippd with illusionist's bracers) targeting himself and puresteel paladin so they're both untapped, then repeat the combo)

Nah but seriously, all this proves is that you can come up with a combo for anything if you try hard enough. Worst colorless card ever? Worst colorless card ever.
Posted By: NARFNra (7/15/2013 1:03:26 PM)


"Few can catch it without losing a finger"
Even less can play it without losing the game.
Posted By: Kurhan (2/2/2010 11:03:11 PM)


It uncommon so that people don't get overflooded with them when they are playing in drafts. Also see Akoum Boulderfoot for the same premise.

ALso... in standard, If you have a puresteel palladin out with an artifact imprinted onto semblance anvil and a mirran spy with metalcraft turned on, the card says 1: Draw a card and deal one damage to target creature or player. I really would like to make that work hahahaha
Posted By: TheSwarm (7/18/2011 6:59:32 PM)


Want those 5 lands you just untapped from last turn's Chimney Imp to keep dealing damage to your opponent EVERY TURN? Look no further.
Posted By: MrBarrelRoll (5/20/2010 12:06:59 AM)


@ Sironos and everyone:
I have found an unlimited damage combo with razor boomerang, which is really sad because I'm not a Johnny almost at all but I have one, AHEM.

I have 3 Etherium Sculptors 2 Auriok Steelshapers and a Battered Golem on the field I play razor boomerang for 0 (making Battered Golem untap if he is tapped) equip for 0 and use razor boomerang repeat for unlimited damage.

I hope everyone is happy now the world is at peace once more.

oh yes and this card is terrible, but the above combo isn't impossible to pull off mostly cause all the cards cost 2 (or one) and Battered Golem is probably free.

yes I know you're happy now
Posted By: ICEFANG13 (5/17/2010 1:17:32 PM)


Where's the zero rating when you need it.
Posted By: agamemaker (3/2/2010 6:54:49 PM)


Worldwake has quite a few donks. Did you even playtest WotC? Was there really a situation in which paying 5 mana and tapping a creature in order to deal a single point of damage was more useful than any other play?
Posted By: Vinifera7 (2/3/2010 2:39:07 AM)


i just made a custom ringtone from 0:35 - 1:23 using this card
Posted By: gilgalad72 (2/9/2010 3:38:48 PM)


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