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Community Rating: 4.072 / 5  (111 votes)
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Still has the tags on her pillows, bet she's taking them back to Wal*Mart when she's done spreading those legs wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide.
Posted By: Jerec_Onyx (10/29/2012 8:26:03 PM)


Salient, I have to actually give you a major legit shoutout. I know which cards are likely to have awesome comments, but your LEGIT made me LOL IN REAL LIFE FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER.

I mean, like, not the first time in my life I have ever laughed. but the first time I've LOL laughed. LOL'ing is a specific subcategory of laugh caused by 'something was funny on the internet'. :P

and that was an actual literal LOL moment for me. :D >.<
Posted By: DarthParallax (3/20/2013 9:56:14 PM)


She has a mullet.
Posted By: DCAnderson (7/17/2013 4:27:32 AM)


Grixis forever and such. Gwendlyn di Specter. Bolas's human servant or something?
Posted By: MattLynn (1/20/2014 5:30:26 PM)


While there were a few other decent legends in Legends, this was one of the few whose design seemed to recognize that requiring three colors in such a specific combination meant you could give her P/T above the curve (and 3/5 for 4 was well above the curve when she was printed, as opposed to just decent like it is today.)
Posted By: Aquillion (4/10/2014 10:01:31 PM)


Pretty solid card.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (5/1/2014 6:55:44 PM)


@Psychrates: There were also a number of iconic non-legendary cards, such as Karakas (Legacy staple), The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale (sees some Legacy play), Chain Lightning (second best Lightning Bolt ever printed) The Abyss, Nether Void (both Pox staples for a long time), Land Tax, Sylvan Library (still sees some Legacy play), Mana Drain (the most busted counterspell ever printed). I agree that all in all, Legends was a pretty good set (vanilla legends and Wood Elemental aside ;) ).
Posted By: S_Jake (5/18/2014 10:47:21 AM)


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