Still can't beat my relentless rats!!! Muahahaha....
Posted By:
(5/15/2011 12:44:24 PM)
so now there is wrath of god/day of judgement for white, Damnation for black, and this card for red. What effects will the blue and green board sweeper for CC have? Evacuation is close and is probably how the blue flavor should be, but the extra colorless mana and the fact that it is an instant prevent it from being part of the mega-cycle. Is there a card i missed?
Posted By:
(7/15/2011 8:30:53 PM)
You got four mana for red removal, and you can't kill my 2/2? WTG.
Posted By:
(2/10/2010 9:11:39 AM)
This just isn't a playable card. Anytime there's a large creature swarm, the creatures are going to be small enough to kill with Pyroclasm. Anytime there's a big creature that needs a lot of damage to get in the graveyard, its controller isn't likely to overextend by adding more dudes to the board. I'm just not impressed. There are exceptions, such as Ant Queen, and it's really great in multiplayer and limited, but I just don't see it being played in competitive Magic. And can people please stop calling it Wrath of God?
Posted By:
(2/16/2010 6:42:38 PM)
mutantman nailed it. I want to like this card, but facts are facts. Weenies will die to pyroclasm, and there won't be enough fatties on the board for them to take enough damage.
Posted By:
(1/30/2010 2:38:03 AM)
This card was clearly designed for multiplayer. In a two-player game this is surely not a red Day of Judgment, if not against weenie decks.
Concerning the flavor of the "red wrath", yes red has massive untargeted damage effects, and when it gets angry it just destroys everything, not only creatures; this card fits the "red rage" flavor.
Posted By:
(1/27/2012 1:49:24 AM)
This is the type of card Mark of Asylum was meant to be played with.
Posted By:
(3/4/2012 7:46:42 PM)
Wrath of Vulshok Refugee.
Posted By:
(9/11/2012 4:08:37 PM)
Everlasting torment
Scoff at Wrath as you dominate anything and everything.
This combo happens to work well with many shadowmoor beasties; in part Kulrath Knight and Necroskitter
Posted By:
(3/19/2013 2:12:37 PM)