In my equipment deck. If I haven't killed them by turn five, and they have killed all my creatures, then I have no cards in hand, no creatures in play, and maybe three lands, but several pieces of equipment in play. This gets me back in the game.
Posted By:
(7/19/2012 4:41:13 PM)
Boons has a new friend Balance
Posted By:
(7/22/2012 7:38:31 AM)
As of 8/1/2012, rated higher than Time Walk, Vindicate AND the moxes!
Posted By:
(8/1/2012 2:20:25 PM)
Did you even read the card?
Posted By:
(2/15/2013 9:21:47 AM)
Balance: the least balanced card in the history of the game. :)
Posted By:
(2/19/2013 2:56:33 PM)
Question on Balance: I'm wondering why this card is so good under most circumstances? For instance, if I only play 2 lands, and dont play any creatures, and eventually wipe the board clean, I still lose those cards I had in my hand, (if say I have 7 cards in hand, and my opp has 1, since he's been playing creatures and lands). Because it effects the lands, creatures and your hand, it seems hard to get a leg up on your opponent. If it only affected creatures and land, i would get it. But since its hand also, seems like you will lose cards also, even if you are trying to hold back on playing them. Only way I could think of it, is if you are playing white/red, play 2 lands and then play like 4 lightning bolts (or other burn) in a row, and then play Balance. In that case, your opp's lands, creatures and hand is wrecked. Balance is only good if you play cards that end up in your graveyard (instants and sorceries), isn't that right? Can anyone give an example of how it would be good in an ... (see all)
Posted By:
(2/27/2013 7:12:34 PM)
dauthiSlayer: The difference? You're running artifact mana accel. You're also likely running manlands or otherwise tricksy lands. So you have one or two lands, your opponent has a significant number, you've been dropping out your artifact mana accel while your opponent still has more cards in hand than you, and you wreck on them.
Posted By:
(4/24/2013 4:28:46 PM)
Today I've made my first 11-for-1: my opponent discarded 3 cards and sacrificed 4 lands and 4 creatures, with no loss on my side. And I was topdecking. Thank you Balance.
Posted By:
(7/22/2013 10:01:54 AM)
Balance: imbalanced.
Posted By:
(10/29/2013 6:27:23 AM)