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Today this would ABSOLUTELY be a Sphinx.

Blue-Black, or Blue-White, that is the question? Because of the Indestructible, probably Blue-White.

Honestly that's quite a shame, because ACTUALLY what's so cool about this card is that in direct defiance of "Traditional Expectations", it's NOT Top Down Flavor, it's a BLACK BEAST. HOW CREATIVE :D

Moreover, the Magic Color Pie Mechanics of today say this is all wrong for a Black card. :P

Once again, Modern Design is just so set in it's ways it's literally outlawed itself from being Creative -_- This card would NOT be okay today FOR the reasons that it's so cool :P The Rules and Traditions are failing us :(

I don't think they'd be above giving us cards close to this at Mythic, for double the mana. I don't mind those kinds of changes, but I think the proposal to make such changes to an Updated form of this would just get Vetoed for the pessimistic reasons I listed first--- it's ''wrong color'' for Black, it 'obviously should be a Sphinx... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (11/14/2013 7:44:34 PM)


Man, black gets all the breaks, a 2/4 With a decent ability for the low cost of {B}...

or um, maybe not...

3/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (5/20/2013 6:49:30 AM)


As did I.
Posted By: twiddleman12 (8/22/2012 4:09:29 PM)


I'm surprised I never hear about this card. If it was a single mana less, it would be a Vintage classic. As it is, I want to see how well it works with certain kinds of Legacy decks.
Posted By: MizziumSculptor444 (11/2/2013 2:26:39 PM)


Why would they make the background of the 3 symbol darker than the background for the Black symbol? I really get mad when I see poor graphical design like that.
Posted By: JimmyNoobPlayer (4/13/2014 11:17:26 PM)


Goes great with Batterskull and Lightning Greaves in my green black EDH deck.
Posted By: VineMaple253 (5/16/2014 11:25:03 PM)


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