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Altar says "Nom Nom" in my colorless modular deck
Posted By: Halo_Is_Overrated (12/8/2011 4:45:17 PM)


Melira, Sylvok Outcast + any creature with persist (if it has no -1/-1 counters, it returns with 1 -1/-1 counter on it) + this == infinite mana. The creature with persist won't get the -1/-1 counter because of Melira, and as a result, for 0 you can keep sacrificing it over and over - it keeps coming back so long as you have Melira out, and you keep getting mana.

So much for worrying about being able to complete the Power Artifact / Basalt Monolith infinite mana combo.
Posted By: Travelsonic (6/29/2012 7:29:40 AM)


@lord walter: "on the way to the graveyard" is a very poorly worded phrase for the rule they are trying to convey. here is an example of what I mean: I think that what it was trying to say was that if someone puts an ability on the stack that forces you to sac a creature, you can't sac a creature to ashnod's altar to "replace" the sacrifice you have to make for their ability. essentially, if you are forced to sac a creature to someone else's ability, you can't get 2 colorless mana from ashnods altar with the same creature.

that probably doesn't encompass all that the text on ashnods altar implies, but it should be enough to get your brain tinkering.
Posted By: Tearthesky (8/11/2012 5:09:55 AM)


T1: Four Memknites / ornithopters, Swamp, Dark Ritual, This. Sacrifice Memknites, Play Ulamog's Crusher
Posted By: atemu1234 (9/12/2012 6:30:57 PM)


I'll just repost what someone else said on Marath, Will of the Wild's discussion page: this + Cathars' Crusade + Marath, Will of the Wild. As long as you only make 1/1s, Crusade keeps Marathi replenished, and then you can sac one token to this for enough nana to make two more. Infinite 1/1s!
Posted By: IceMetalPunk (1/1/2014 11:09:15 PM)


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