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Community Rating: 3.162 / 5  (77 votes)
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123 >
First turn plains and Cathedral Sanctifier

second turn swamp then bonds of faith Cathedral Sanctifier

third turn plains or swamp and play Necrogen Scudder

end of turn 3 you've got two 3/3's one with flying and no life lost
Posted By: TheHoovedOne. (5/6/2012 3:44:12 AM)


No. Just no. My Necrogen Scudders aren't kept aloft by any means of bouyancy OTHER THAN the screaming agony of a thousand murdered souls. And they are most certainly kept aloft.

Would not run in any deck, by virtue of inapplicable flavor text.
Posted By: Fictionarious (11/17/2012 5:28:32 PM)


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