combo with Yukora, the Prisoner for style points.
Posted By:
(7/6/2012 1:34:29 AM)
Even back then this guy was bad. Sedge Troll was rare but come on, a strictly better version of a card, with both cards in Alpha? That should bring up some flags.
Posted By:
(1/29/2013 8:28:39 PM)
The card for which flavor text is literally 'flavor' text.
Posted By:
(3/17/2013 10:50:14 AM)
There were three strictly better 2/2 for creatures in Alpha alone!
Posted By:
(3/18/2013 2:03:45 PM)
A lot of people gives this a terrible score without understanding the cards that existed at the time. 3 mana for a 2/2 was a "standard" creature. Creatures that were better were a bit of a rarity or exceptional.
Posted By:
(6/2/2014 11:00:05 AM)