The art makes this otherwise weak/unplayable card worth keeping in a collection. Best non-mechanical part of this game. Daarken hits another "please make this creature look situationally threatening" task out of the park.
Posted By:
(8/26/2011 6:59:25 PM)
This an upgrade over old Sea Serpent types, because you can control how many islands are there on the battlefield
Though it still pales in comparison to other blue creatures of the same CMC
Posted By:
(9/11/2011 8:34:10 AM)
One of the best serpents (which isn't saying much), but that art is awesome. The loss of Islandhome is a step in the right direction. Maybe in 20 more years we'll have serpents that are actually constructed playable...
Posted By:
(5/13/2012 1:02:47 PM)
Hey would be a good in a budget deck. Mono and run things like Spreading Seas, bang 5/5 unblockable for 6 mana, which is very real threat.
Posted By:
(7/17/2013 6:51:45 PM)