Useful only with Ajani's Pridemate out, really. Which is what we call "RND planned synergy."
Posted By:
(7/11/2010 7:21:06 AM)
Quick reality check people...Sun Droplet is rated 4.083. This is rated 2.538. With the exception of working in any color deck, this is BETTER than sun droplet as it doesn't require you to take a hit first.
Sun droplet triggers at each upkeep while this is only your upkeep. Sun droplet gets you twice as much life. And in a muliplayer game, more than twice.
Posted By:
(8/4/2010 2:36:35 AM)
Ummm... this is complete crap in standard, limited, and even in casual... I could pay one more and play Recumbent Bliss and neutralize a creature while still gaining one life a turn for my ajani's pridemate... seriously... I'll give it a 1 only because it works out ok in a pridemate deck or any deck which needs lifegain to trigger something...
Posted By:
(9/14/2010 11:38:29 PM)
It's not better than Sun Droplet at all. Sun Droplet is an artifact and can be played in any deck. Also Sun Droplet says each turn, not just your turn.
Posted By:
(10/12/2010 3:09:56 PM)
Posted By:
(9/29/2010 7:47:52 AM)
@wolfbear2: Life gain IS more powerful than most people think. Unfortunately, I'd rather play Angel's Feather over this.
Posted By:
(7/9/2010 12:24:56 AM)
I don't see how people can say lifegain is "bad". You're literally giving yourself more of a buffer against attack. That's why things like manlands are good, and DOJ is good, and finishers are good. Because while your opponent is trying everything to get your life lower than 20, you're busy building good board position.
Posted By:
(7/10/2010 12:13:29 PM)
Get a couple of these out, and watch Ajani's Pridemate grow massive in no time.
Posted By:
(10/13/2010 1:25:18 AM)
Don't try and make this card out to be anything more than it is. A nice card for casual life gain decks, if you have playsets of this and Ajani's Pridemate you'll be set. That's that. Solid card, does its job well (gain life slowly and consistently).
Posted By:
(8/14/2010 11:16:12 PM)
This card stinks, but lifegain decks arent all bad. Win conditions include things like Felidar Sovereign if its a good life gain deck. If not, you can still to Ajani Goldmane's 3rd ability to create a Serra Avatar. Things like Serra Ascendant are playable too. Divinity of Pride if in constructed; its better. Other type II cards like Rest for the Weary and Sunspring Expedition are good in getting a Life boost. White is also a good removal shard, with things like Oblivion Ring and Path to Exile. If you want to splash some black, Sanguine Bond ain't too bad.
B/W Eventide is my favorite though
Posted By:
(7/10/2010 2:44:31 AM)