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Community Rating: 4.099 / 5  (157 votes)
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Mirrodin Besieged made this into a beast and real threat.
Posted By: Luke_BPC (1/31/2011 9:45:00 PM)


Very powerful sounds like a lot of fun to play especially from a casual stand point (only type I play). Not unbeatable but very hard to kill especially with two on the field. But coming from a guy that runs one nasty token deck with beastmaster ascension, eldrazi monument, and coat of arms I think I can take it lol. 5/5 though good card.
Posted By: flare1122 (2/28/2011 7:44:12 AM)


Some of the best Magic art I've ever seen. A powerful card, too.
Posted By: gongshowninja (3/1/2011 2:50:07 PM)


Guys there are a couple of alright knights out there. There's even one with an ability for 3 mana and tap that destroys target creature or enchantment. I don't know just stick a whispersilk cloak on her something. I for one know i'm gonna take a closer look at knights just to see, sure i won't be the only one.

Don't apologise IshubarashI it is ridiculous, but i will say this its only making whites stronger "if its a knight deck". And lets face it Knights could use it cause they ain't that good. Even with indestructability the player would still be vulnerable to trample or swarm wouldn't they? So i don't think its as ominous as it sounds
Posted By: MDStrawHat (7/8/2010 9:06:27 PM)


I like the card; I was wondering when they'd make a knight lord. It seems strange to put it in a set without a lot of knights though, while soldiers don't get a lord.
Posted By: Giant_Caterpillar (7/8/2010 7:11:17 PM)


Knights aren't your most convenient tribe to build a deck around, but this card is good and could motivate some players to try.
Posted By: nammertime (7/8/2010 3:31:55 PM)


I think this is the first lord to have an ability for himself (or in this case, herself) aside from the +1/+1 boost and a further specific bonus for the others of the tribe.
I guess they just couldn't leave the Knight Lord without first strike.

Definitely powerful and great fun once you have a second Knight Exemplar on the field.
Removal that exiles creatures will of course still get rid of your stuff, but that's at least pretty restricted in M11.

I also think it was no coincidence that this guy appeared now: Scars of Mirrodin will be the next set afterall, and i guess you remember the Auriok and Leonin having some relation to knights as well?
(Hopefully even the Vulshok will, since i like red knights :D)
Posted By: Mode (7/9/2010 5:48:50 AM)


with the release of mirridon besieged besieged knights just got a lot scarier.
Posted By: dragonking987 (3/26/2011 7:39:29 PM)


@ IshubarashI:

So basically you are intentionally giving this card a poor rating because you think it's too powerful ? Way to go for rationality.
Posted By: Belz_ (7/8/2010 3:05:22 PM)


Some good knights are going out and Kemba skyguard isn't what I wanted from "flying" knight at all. It's probably best to use Baneslayer Angel as flying or even Cloud Crusader could be still be better than Kemba skyguard. Since it gets +0/+1 and first strike for 1 cmc while losing 2 lifegain.

This card won me good deal of games playing my knight deck when I can just get multiple of these cards out and win the game by itself or with student of warfare. I hope some good knights appear in scars of mirrodin block later though or M12.

Very amazing card, except you need luck in drawing and have to protect it well to get 2 of them out since your opponents will be very eager to use their removal on it. Weak against bounces such as Jace, the Mind Sculptor but I don't see many cards that's good against Big Jace.
Posted By: MTGGameHero (9/26/2010 11:26:23 PM)


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