baneslayer and loxodon warhammer =)
Posted By:
(1/16/2012 8:18:41 PM)
@ pcballistix: Baneslayer with Armadillo Cloak is even funnier (more obnoxious?). Armadillo Cloak hasn't been errataed to lifelink, which means that you gain life from her lifelink ability and then gain the same amount from the Cloak's trigger!
Posted By:
(1/21/2012 3:47:15 PM)
I keep thinking it says Banhammer Angel for some reason…
Posted By:
(2/25/2012 9:41:13 PM)
Gonna get one of these as a remembrance. I really love Angel illustrations.
Really, even if angels are not too relevant in Type 2 now, I commend WotC for making them awesome all the same.
Posted By:
(3/2/2012 2:00:58 PM)
There are far too many comments here. There is only one reasonable one. Everyone who reads this, go find the comment by DoctorKenneth and click "see more." You will be enlightened to the sole flaw in the game of MTG.
Posted By:
(3/5/2012 8:18:15 AM)
I have seen Baneslayer Angels at 5-6 euro. Our banks are safe, after Standard rotation. As it ALWAYS happens with foolishly speculated cards (see Karn Liberated for 40 euro which now costs 6, and now Sorin Lord of Innistrad for 50: it will cost at most 10 in one year time).
Posted By:
(3/7/2012 7:40:29 AM)
Unbelievable picture! Greg Staples is such a master at painting these beautiful creatures. More angels by Greg:
Serra Angel
Empyrial Archangel
Archangel of Strife
Posted By:
(3/7/2012 5:56:43 PM)
She is a beautiful bomb. Angels needed a flagship beater, other than Akroma, angel of wrath, and she is the answer. She is a good finisher in a control deck, and the lifelink is very useful against aggro. I don't like the fact that she out classes serra angel, but the Timmy in me can't help but to like her. Love her or hate her, you can't deny that Greg Staples is the man.
Posted By:
(5/8/2012 3:36:53 AM)
I'm a big fan of Serra Angel. I'm kinda sad that they reprinted an overly powerful version of it. I still love Baneslayer though, don't get me wrong. It's just that poor Serra Angel needs a little love D:
Baneslayer: 4.5/5 for having badass flavor and being an allround great card!
Posted By:
(5/13/2012 2:51:43 PM)
The fact it isn't legendary means you can have more then one of them out on the field, which is just great. If your opponent can't answer this, then you are well on your way to winning with it!
Posted By:
(6/21/2012 2:50:10 AM)