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Community Rating: 4.152 / 5  (547 votes)
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That was bad and you should feel bad.
Posted By: tazman321 (7/24/2011 2:38:40 PM)


I have found my fav use for baneslayer
in a game i had today, i was constantly telling my friend that i had baneslayer in my hand, and that he was going to be a great start to the massacre (i had just gotten the card that day) and when i caste it he countered it with no thought to what else i may have in my hand
1 turn later, i played my akroma, angel of wrath and pasted him
Posted By: Yoktes (3/9/2011 7:47:35 PM)


I'm surprised no one compares it more directly to Exalted Angel. Upgrades to +1/+0, First Strike, Protection from Demons and Dragons, and in return you pay 1 less.

Wait what
Posted By: PurpGuy (9/12/2011 8:00:07 AM)


Too broken to be fun
Posted By: AncientTimer (10/10/2011 7:32:06 AM)


This is a 5/5.
I don't like saying that.
I don't like lying even more.
Posted By: n00bmag1 (7/26/2010 6:05:06 AM)


I think this card shouldn't be downrated because you dislike it.

I'm not too content with this Angel as well - it at least should have a cost of 2WhiteWhiteWhite imo, but Mythic Rare status seems to justify disproportionally good mana costs regrettably...

However, i think cards should be rated by playability, and that's certainly a plain 5/5 in this case afterall.
Posted By: Mode (7/9/2010 2:31:36 AM)


This card's rating is obviously lower than it should be... people are hating on it because of its popularity and/or reputation.

Come on guys, this thing is a beast and is insanely powerful for its casting cost. OF COURSE there are things that can deal with it... welcome to Magic the Gathering.

Be honest and tell me that Sunscape Master is a better card.... Please.

5/5 all the way, anyone who says differently is fooling themselves. A game changer every time it hits the table.

Posted By: Gaussgoat (7/29/2010 9:27:31 AM)


Overhyped and overpriced $$$, sure its a really good card but it's no where near invincable :P
Posted By: Kori260 (10/1/2010 1:01:26 AM)


At least she's combustable.
Posted By: NotACatPerson (1/23/2011 6:50:01 AM)


It really isn't broken, it's a big, stompy, powerful creature. It's undeniably a very, very powerful creature, but there are many ways around it. Dismember,Go for the Throat,Consuming Vapors etc.
Posted By: Boday1 (7/10/2011 2:09:39 PM)


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