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Community Rating: 4.152 / 5  (547 votes)
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People, you can't say that Baneslayer (or for that matter almost any creature) is a bad card or (In this case) balanced because it can be taken out by a doomblade or similar spell. The fact is you could play one u on a Robe of Mirrors and make it untargetable, does this mean that doomblade is a bad card? No. You cannot compare spells with those which are completely different, particularly their answers.

Sorry to rant haha.

I agree with so many others here; it's sad to see Serra Angel go the way of Lord of the Pit, Craw Wurm and so many other classics.

5/5 for stats, not personal taste.
Posted By: chicollicolli (7/27/2010 1:23:27 AM)


Dies to removal. 1/5.


But honestly, too powerful.
Posted By: Guest513736147 (8/11/2010 10:31:04 AM)


I've never liked this card. It's simply too strong, and can easily win the entire game by herself. When my friend managed to get himself two of them, I had a chance to feel her power firsthand, and had to contend with a card that makes most other white creatures seem worthless. Rare creatures usually trumped uncommons and commons, and this was one of the first Mythic creatures to really display the true unrestrained power of the new rarity, making even rare creatures cower.

Oddly enough, as a birthday gift I received one, and reluctantly decided to use it, mostly for the sake of the person who went out of their way to get it for me. Even after having it in my principle deck for what may be well over a hundred games, she's only appeared once in my hand.

It was odd. Facing against my friend's most fearsome, nastiest deck, filled with brutal combos and devastating spells and abilities, I was in a bad situation, and it was only turn 4.

Until, Baneslayer.

I think I may have understood w... (see all)
Posted By: Asmodi0000 (11/2/2011 5:04:38 PM)


Annnnnnd goodbye! :3
She may not have been broken, but I've always hated her for outclassing the beautiful Serra Angel.
Posted By: GruesomeGoo (7/15/2011 7:27:40 PM)


you know people always talk about how a card isn't worse because it dies to removal but for this card it's kind of true. My playgroup has a couple but I'v never seen it swing a game, in fact I'v never even seen it attack.

this is just such a big target it should basically read: 5cmc "target player discards a removal spell"
Posted By: Gezus82 (7/13/2010 1:50:07 PM)


exalted angel is for 4WW and she too has flying, lifelink, and is a 4/5. baneslayer came at a time after Dragonstorm won in Worlds. arguably one of the most broken combo decks ever legalized. perhaps that could justify the extra protection with first strike, but at the cost of warping the metagame. if you have no black destruction, blue control, white removal, you're in for a very short game. that's borderline OP.
Posted By: phantom.lance (7/10/2010 7:16:47 PM)


Yep. I don't like her either.
She could have been four white and 2 colorless cost and been balanced.
They could have left out lifelink and had her cost one more colorless mana.
She could have been 4/4 and cost three white and two colorless.

All of these would have been acceptable methods of getting her art and flavor onto the table in a way that doesn't make older good cards completely obsolete.
She embodies the despised underbelly of the game we call Magic: The Gathering... that many of our favorite vintage cards just feel silly when you play them against cards like this. Which is kind of sad, because most of us really do want to keep buying cards, but not at the expense of having our older beloved cards becoming irrelevant.

I think it would be wonderful and ironic if the Baneslayer Angel became the Banned Angel.
(In fact. I would cheer. It would be Wizards of the Coast fixing something that they never should have done.)
Posted By: Phelplan (6/12/2013 2:49:47 PM)


This card has clearly been heavily debated for quite some time now. The fact it isn't a perfect 5/5 is very humourous and clearly indicates many people spite the card and have violated their right to vote for their own personal glorification of ego placation. Doctor Kenneth makes a very valuable point regarding the full spectrum. Printing cards this powerful will definitely create a new standard staple of creature comparison. And the newer players will definitely scoff at anything that has a 5/5 body or greater that costs 5 or more mana. We have to face the facts with this card... It is very powerful and calls for a quick resolution from the opposing player. Although on the other side of this debate, any card that is 5 cmc is a heavy brick to unload. And there are so many cards that are 2 cmc or less that can easily remove this threat. But what makes this issue extremely humourous to me, is the crystal clear fact that Wizards covered their A/S/S. If you look closely... Banesl... (see all)
Posted By: Internet_decks_lame (3/9/2011 10:51:29 AM)


Attracts a lot of whiners.
Posted By: Axelle (5/15/2012 5:51:48 PM)


Strictly worse than stormcrow.
Posted By: TheDementiaBat (6/4/2012 5:52:19 PM)


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