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Community Rating: 1.282 / 5  (133 votes)
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Fortunately M11 seems to have far less useless filler commons like this than other core sets. Hopefully there will be even less in M12.
Posted By: achilleselbow (7/24/2010 1:48:18 PM)


Filler is filler, sure.
This is just flat out bad. Filler doesn't have to SUCK....it just needs to be less powerful.
The only message this sends to a new player, is the crappy common you have 20 of = wasted money.
That aside, I love the artwork.
Posted By: n00bmag1 (8/1/2010 6:38:41 AM)


Its kind of lame when they decide to make pointlessly weak commons, I mean, there are some actually good commons out there, like Qasali Pridemage.

I dislike the mentality that most commons have to be unplayable in serious decks.
Posted By: Galgus (8/4/2010 11:30:39 AM)


Even in Limited, you might run this but you're not happy about it. Costs about one mana too much even in that environment. Obviously a complete write-off for any form of Constructed play at two power for five mana.

I still rated it at 1.5. For me to go lower than that, a card has to be of no value at all or even a liability; being seriously overcosted isn't enough.
Posted By: jeff-heikkinen (8/26/2010 9:07:15 PM)


Forget crabs, I keep waiting for Homarids to come back as a major tribal theme.
Posted By: Lavrant (3/24/2011 7:22:27 PM)


Shoulda been 3U
Posted By: HairlessThoctar (12/10/2010 8:27:13 PM)


What a nice throwback to Time Spiral. I love how this card encourages newer players to investigate Magic's past.

And to all you people complaining about how bad this card is: give it a break. It's ONE card. If every single card was at least as powerful as people are protesting that this should be, then the game as we know it would be very different. As Rosewater said, by definition, there have to be bad cards. They make the good cards better simply by comparison. Cards like this allow newer players to make mistakes and learn from them, and fill some of the finite design space that each new set nibbles away at.

For those looking for some further reason as to why this was printed (as it IS strictly worse than the recently printed Sky Ruin Drake), I say that wizards needed a non-flyer-high-toughness-late-game-blue creature to take the place of Horned Turtle, and a bad-ass looking crab fit the bill.
Posted By: Selez (7/24/2010 11:27:14 PM)


I'm not sure why everyone hates this card. He's a solid 5/5 on flavor because of the flavor text and the art is absolutely sick. He is by far not a great creature, but he's a freaking house in ground battles in M11 limited. I've never been disappointed to have a 5-toughness creature on my side of the board.

And, just because, go go crab tribal! I think I may try it out.
Posted By: The_Trendkill (11/20/2010 7:28:03 PM)


i like the throwback to Time Spiral Block. Other than that, it is strictly worse than a lot of very bad cards. (Sky Ruin Drake comes to mind.)
Posted By: JFM2796 (7/29/2011 7:51:47 PM)


These defensive oriented and bland blue creatures are absolutley fascinating.

Please make more of these Wizards.
Posted By: OutlawD1 (7/8/2010 12:56:15 PM)


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