Casually hoses any deck build around reanimation, flashback, or unearth.
He's surprisingly powerful for such an unimposing package.
Posted By:
(2/7/2012 4:13:18 PM)
A 2/2 creature for a casting cost of 2 is great. Then add the ability to remove any cards in an opponent's graveyard the turn you cast it (and every turn until it's dead) until you run out of mana and you have an awesome card. My favorite graveyard hate card when I'm running black in multiplayer.
Posted By:
(12/24/2009 1:06:28 PM)
Awesome with Gravestorm in my zombie deck
Posted By:
(1/16/2010 2:57:29 PM)
Totally overshadowed by the recent Scavenging Ooze.
Posted By:
(8/31/2011 1:28:03 PM)
A 2/2 for 2cc is not great, unless it has other abilities. Grizzly Bears is a terrible choice in anything but limited, unless your playing that stupid petroglyphs card, but thats nothing more then a joke deck.
This has for his casting cost, making him much harder to splash. Allot of decks don't take advantage of there graveyard, making him a worse Walking Corpse.
Verse the right deck, his ability is fantastic.
He is main deck material in a zombie deck, with the help of some lord type cards.
Its a great card to maindeck to have some security. He does have nice tribal support and whatnot. And his ability is a terrific thing to maindeck, there is a ton of things out there that use the graveyard.
But the point I was trying to make, vanilla 2/2 for 2 is not a good card. And if you never need his ability that's what he is.
Posted By:
(12/8/2012 8:36:08 PM)
If this baby gets reprinted in Dark Ascension I will cry tears of joy.
Posted By:
(10/15/2011 7:11:32 PM)
Grizzly Bears are actually not a terrible choice at all in sealed, draft, block constructed, or pretty much anything that isn't an eternal format. They have an efficient p/t to mana and do what they do well- be a 2/2 on the second turn when your opponent might only have a 1/1. Also note that black doesn't usually get Grizzly Bears, it usually gets Scathe Zombies. the only reason Walking Corpse was printed was to emphasize the set's zombie theme.
WWretch is full of utility because it removes specific cards from the GY, unlike Scrabbling Claws or Phyrexian Furnace, while not having to sacrifice itself like Crypt Creeper.
Posted By:
(8/17/2012 2:54:16 PM)
When I use this guy in commander I like to imagine him desecrating the corpses of Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre and Kozilek, Butcher of Truth :D
Anyway he's awesome, just leave {1} open and you can mess up grave targeting, eldrazi/incarnation effects, flashback, undying, dredge, persist etc. So much utility 4.5/5
Posted By:
(9/16/2012 7:52:03 PM)
This card sees instant aggro and that's good for the controller because the opponent is using something to kill it and this can't be used on a bigger threat later.
Posted By:
(10/10/2012 6:57:20 AM)