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Community Rating: 3.009 / 5  (57 votes)
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Great at punching through what will likely be an artifact-heavy defense in limited, and three poison counters is nothing to sneer at in that situation.
Posted By: Enemy_Tricolor (10/3/2010 9:13:32 PM)


Fair price in my opinion, pro artifacts is great in the new set, deal poison counters... Really a rather good card. but I DON'T NEED A MILLION OF THEM!!! ever single pack it seams has THIS guy....
Posted By: Yozuk (10/6/2010 1:11:11 AM)


he helped me out alot in limited at the sealed events. run through artifacts to hit for 3 poison counters creates a huge problem. In standard i only run one of him in my infect deck.
3.5 out of 5 from me
Posted By: TheThroatJackHammer (10/7/2010 1:02:36 AM)


This is a set dominated by artifacts. that alone makes this a good card. The infect is a good bonus. A definite in if you're using green in limited.
Posted By: Beastlygreen (10/9/2010 7:56:44 PM)


Thats the kind of card that makes you go like: Oooooooooooooooohyeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwellllll meh.

3/5 for being so easy to kill, harder to splash, impossible to pump with equipment.
3/5 because it has some evasion, and being brutal with Infect 3.
Impressively balanced card.
I would draft him late in Limited, if at all, since Tangle Hangler and/or Hand of the Praetors and/or Corpse Cur usually get the 4 mana slots.

Posted By: Carnophage_4ever (11/29/2010 4:31:35 PM)


I put this in my EDH elf deck. Appropriately enough for the flavor of this card, he doesn't synergize much at all with the other elves, but I like having an out if my opponent sets up an infinite life combo.

It also doesn't hurt that it still only takes 10 poison counters to kill someone in EDH.
Posted By: Gelzo (12/10/2010 12:27:58 PM)


Fallen Outrider
Posted By: SIlverSkyz (1/14/2011 9:00:39 PM)


Nearly unblockable against the right deck, which is a hell of a thing when it's a 3-power infect.
Posted By: ROBRAM89 (1/18/2011 4:35:58 PM)


Blocks darksteel dudes pretty well.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (1/28/2011 12:29:02 AM)


I'm uncertain how this guy would work with Nim deathmantle. He has protection from artifacts, so he can't be equipped, but his protection only applies while he's a permanent, making him a legal target for deathmantle's ability. I'm thinking it would return him to play, then be unable to attach to him and just leave it at that. Is that right?
Posted By: Amnesigenic (3/10/2011 1:26:33 PM)


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