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Has its uses. Unfortunately, it has the name "Jace" in it, so I find it difficult to like. Unreasonable? Of course.
Posted By: volkethefireman (5/10/2011 8:41:08 PM)


Got my first M11 booster today, and this was in it =D
Epic win I'd say
Posted By: Ezenthar (8/8/2010 4:57:30 AM)



An interesting thing to note was that when they released the visual spoiler, the only planeswalkers shown were Gideon Jura and Sorin Markov. No red, green, or blue planeswalker. Upon seeing this, I automatically thought, "Now why would they show two and not all five?" I figured that they had new planeswalkers for the other colors. So far, I've been right. I'm hoping for a new Chandra and Garruk, but we'll just have to wait and see. They release new cards every day now, so keep checking back and maybe we'll get new planeswalkers to go along with our memory adept.


We now know that there are new Garruks and Chandras, Primal Hunter and the Firebrand, respectively.
Posted By: divine_exodus (7/4/2011 8:36:39 AM)


I Literally named my youngest Jace
Posted By: TheDouce (11/28/2011 6:07:20 AM)


Magic's original emo protagonist, one of the five who helped reinvigorate the game.
1BlueBlue: Destroy target Jace Planeswalker
Not only that, but a great card draw engine/damage sponge
My Lorwyn copy from the prerelease is probably my most treasured card.
Posted By: ZombieSnail (10/30/2010 7:00:36 PM)


This is the most boring blue planeswalker. I'm sorry. I'm not saying he's bad, he's just boring...
Posted By: TheKazu (12/3/2012 4:26:14 PM)


he doesn't seem that impressive. If you have a couple of Underworld dreams out, that make him an unstable fella. Not that hes bad, but not overly great either.
Posted By: paladinbrice69 (7/16/2010 5:41:53 PM)


In my opinion the worst Planeswalker ever printed.
In 95% of all cases he is just a better Temple Bell.
Better Temple Bell in the way that your enemy draws cards but only every third turn rather than each turn.

Most resolved Ultimates from the other Planeswalkers mean you allmost won. Or at least those are real win conditions. Your Enemy has drawn at least four cards to until you can finally use Jace Belerens ultimate.

There are only two reasons why this card sees any play:
1.Because he's a Vindicate vs the real Jace
2. Because one deck type utilizes what would be a disadvantage in any other deck: Force your enemy to draw. But neither is Turbofog that good atm nor means it the card is good.
Scornful Egotist is also utter crap as a card but has it's uses because of it's disadvantage.
Posted By: Vividice (1/28/2011 8:28:11 AM)


dies to removal
Posted By: gromgrom777 (7/31/2010 8:46:46 AM)


This guy is sick in Owl Control(a very successful deck that I invented) . No, like, seriously, try it, Jace Beleren, Owl control, its amazing provided that your not a n00b (sry n00bs) that doesn't know how to run control. It sounds crazy, I know, but it works.

Tune in next time for another episode "Blue Mana and Buttkicking"
Posted By: TheJank-O-Mancerguy (3/9/2013 1:58:12 PM)


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